Conducting a contest/quiz and other activities in Telegram
$ 650

Traffic Cardinal is a media source that knowns everything about the world of affiliate marketing. Articles, guides, cases, news and interviewers with TOP representatives of the industry! Anyone will be able to find something useful. Even more so, we are creating a whole system consisting of various services, projects, bonuses and workshops.
Order advertisingOur partners are introducing to a wide selection of advertising opportunities as well as the audience that is intently watching our progress. As we are quickly developing, we are ready to bring any idea of yours into life – as long as this idea doesn’t contradict our advertising policies.
Please send banners for placement on time (3 days before the start of placement) - integration dates do not change after agreement with the manager.
Authors, hosts, interviewers, editors, proofreaders, designers and programmers are at your disposal!
We provide access to your personal account - publish an unlimited number of materials from 2000 characters on our resource.
Format - jpg, png
Any other contacts do not belong to the TrafficCardinal team and may be scammers.
Email [email protected]
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