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Traffic Cardinal

Traffic Cardinal is a media source that knowns everything about the world of affiliate marketing. Articles, guides, cases, news and interviewers with TOP representatives of the industry! Anyone will be able to find something useful. Even more so, we are creating a whole system consisting of various services, projects, bonuses and workshops.

Order advertising

Our partners are introducing to a wide selection of advertising opportunities as well as the audience that is intently watching our progress. As we are quickly developing, we are ready to bring any idea of yours into life – as long as this idea doesn’t contradict our advertising policies.

Please send banners for placement on time (3 days before the start of placement) - integration dates do not change after agreement with the manager.

>20 people in oureditorial staff:

Authors, hosts, interviewers, editors, proofreaders, designers and programmers are at your disposal!

Corporate blog management

Corporate blog management

We provide access to your personal account - publish an unlimited number of materials from 2000 characters on our resource.

Format - jpg, png

Corporate blog management
12 months
1120 $
6 months
595 $
3 months
350 $

Website Branding

Website Branding

The most interactive and potentially attractive format for the end user. It is visible on every page of the desktop version of the site and at the top of the site on the mobile.

Format - jpg, png

2 slots rotating

Price: 3000 $

Download Banner Draft (psd, 1.4 Mb)

Please note! The first ~180px of the image at the top will not be visible due to the peculiarities of the website. Try to make all the important text at the bottom of the creative.

Horizontal banner

Horizontal banner

Classic horizontal banner on desktop and mobile. It is placed in three places at once - on the main site in the PP section and at the end of the page, as well as at the end of each article. That's 3 banners for the price of one! Both static format and GIF animation are supported.

Format - jpg, png, gif

3 slots rotating

Price: 450 $

Horizontal banner

Banner within article

Banner within article

A horizontal banner with a parallax effect placed within each article on the desktop or in the mobile version.

Format - jpg, png

3 slots rotating

Price: 570 $

Vertical banner (home)

Vertical banner (home)

A large and eye-catching banner that is placed on the desktop on the right side of the news collection and at the bottom of the block “Fresh from the world of arbitration” on mobile. Both static format and GIF animation are supported.

Format - jpg, png, gif

3 slots rotating

Price: 400 $

Vertical banner (articles)

Vertical banner (articles)

A large and conspicuous banner that is placed in each article. There are two places to choose from - on the desktop to the right of the article and to the right of the comments. The price is for 1 placement. Both static format and GIF animation are supported.

Format - jpg, png, gif

3 slots rotating

Price: 450 $

Pop-Up banner (small)

Pop-Up banner (small)

Now, this is what attracts any user. Can be placed in the left part of the screen and in the lower part in the mobile version. Emerges in 5 seconds after redirection to the website, does not reappear for 2 hours after closing. Pictures, titles, descriptions and buttons are edited separately.

  • Title up to 40 symbols with spaces
  • Description up to 130 symbols with spaces
  • Button name up to 15 symbols with spaces

Format - jpg, png

2 slots rotating

Price: 650 $

Native Ad Within Article

Native Ad Within Article

Native advertising text within a particular article is highlighted in red. Has a limit of 215 characters, remains in the material forever. Can be placed anywhere in the text, except for the first 600 characters.

Price: 200 $

Native Ad Within Article

Ranking pin

Ranking pin

In various sections on the website

200 $ Premier place

180 $ 2nd place

160 $ 3rd place

140 $ 4th place

120 $ 5th place

*payment per month

Your partnership program, offer or case can be pinned in a certain section or on the main page. On a purchase of 2 and more months we offer a 10% discount.

Pinned in the services section on the main page



220 $ - Premier place

170 $ - 2nd place

140 $ - 3rd place

130 $ - 4th place

120 $ - 5th place

*payment per month

We pin your service on the main page of the site or in the appropriate section

Release article on our site

2 page bundle

800 $

Nativeadvertising and review/interview, that we additionally announce in our social networks and use as a target.

Pinned article

Pinned article

We pin your material at the beginning on the main page for a better scope.

Price: 150 $ a week for the first place

Pinned article

Personalized newsletter from TrafficCardinal with your news feed

Personalized newsletter from TrafficCardinal with your news feed

We create and send a newsletter to our audience according to your technical specifications to increase awareness, reach and customer loyalty.

Price: 300 $ for 1 newsletter (base: 1200+ people, check with the manager for the current number)

Personalized newsletter from TrafficCardinal with your news feed

Telegram Ad

Telegram Ad Telegram Ad Telegram Ad
Special offer
$ 200

Increase the effectiveness of your ads by placing a post in the project launched by our partners. Go from a one-dep guy to the TOP

400 $

Post on our channel without overlapping during 2 hours: not a single publication will be allowed within this time period. In 24 hours the post is to be deleted.

500 $

Post on our channel without overlapping during 3 hours: not a single publication will be allowed within this time period. In 72 hours the post is to be deleted.

550 $

Post on our channel without overlapping during 4 hours: not a single publication will be allowed within this time period. In a week the post is to be deleted.

Press Review
200 $

Your ad and button are to be posted in a weekly press review. There is a word limit.

Telegram Ad Telegram Ad Telegram Ad

Conducting a contest/quiz and other activities in Telegram

$ 650 Telegram Ad Telegram Ad Telegram Ad Telegram Ad Telegram Ad
Telegram Ad

Also attached to the advertisement for a period of 4/week is a record of a circle where your representative can speak out loud the advertising text for better audience engagement!

Telegram Ad

Stories on Telegram

Stories on Telegram

Posting your story on our channel. A new format to attract an audience with excellent statistics. It is possible to leave clickable links. The story is published for 24 hours.

Price: 200 $

Stories on Telegram

Unique reactions

Unique reactions

We are enabling the ability to set reactions with your logo for our channel subscribers. This way the audience can interact with your product through reactions to posts.

Price: 150 $ / 2 weeks

Unique reactions

Telegram channel background branding

Telegram channel background branding Telegram channel background branding

A bright and memorable format that readers will pay attention to. Suitable for both mobile and desktop versions. Leave your mark on our community!

Price: 450 $

Telegram channel background branding

Instagram Ad


150 $ Post


100 $ Stories

Community Branding

Community Branding Community Branding

A format that attracts attention and increases brand awareness. Any user who visits the community page through the mobile and desktop versions of the site will see your banner.

Format - jpg, png, gif

3 slots rotating


200 $

Youtube Ad

Interview with advertiser/advertiser's partner

2000 $

Office interviews or exclusive script

Conducting a stream on YouTube/Telegram

700 $


Recording a tutorial guide on YouTube

800 $

Choose a theme for a partner and integrate advertising into the video

Scenario integration into a YouTube video

700 $

Native integration into the script

Advertising integration into a YouTube video

600 $

A story by the presenters

Advertising integration into a YouTube video

500 $

Short promo video

Scenario integration into a YouTube video

400 $

Logo/merch in the frame

Advertising integration in the description of the video on YouTube

300 $


Advertising integration into a YouTube video

250 $





11450 $

9160 $ (-20%)

  • Branding for 3 months (1 slot)
  • Two advertising posts in Telegram (4/week)
  • A package of 2 publications on the site
  • Three stories on Instagram
  • Securing 1 article per month (website)
  • Shooting a video on YouTube + full production
  • Securing a rating on the main site and in the section for 3 months (1st place)
  • Conducting a stream on YouTube/Telegram

Blogging for 12 months as a gift.
Tickets to private parties and events Traffic Cardinal for the team, as well as unique bonuses.
Personal manager 24/7 and priority in solving tasks.

Gold Bundle

Gold Bundle

GOLD Bundle

7050 $

5993 $ (-15%)

  • Branding for 2 months (1 slot)
  • Stay in the ranking on the main site for 1 month (1st place)
  • A package of 2 publications on the site
  • Telegram advertising post (4/week)
  • Securing 1 article for 2 weeks (website)
  • Two stories on Instagram
  • Fixed in the rating section for 3 months
  • Advertising integration into the video on YT (short video)

Blogging for 6 months as a gift.

Silver Bundle

Silver Bundle


3900 $

3510 $ (-10%)

  • Branding for 1 month (1 slot)
  • A package of 2 publications on the website
  • Securing 1 article per week (website)
  • Pinned in the rating section for a month
  • Telegram advertising post (3/72)
  • Instagram story
  • Advertising integration into a video on YT (pop-up)

Our partners

Let’s talk


Any other contacts do not belong to the TrafficCardinal team and may be scammers.

Email [email protected]



Ads and cooperation

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💸🤑💰 100$

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