Conference ClickBid Ibiza Conference

05 September 2023 - 07 September 2023
Spain, Ибица
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About ClickBid Ibiza Conference

ClickBid World is organizing one of the most beautiful and vibrant arbitration meetings of the year. Forget about the “strict” conference format, ClickBid Ibiza is about active communication and presentations in the most relaxed atmosphere. The organizers will provide guests with a VIP transfer from the airport to the Ushuaia Beach Club (and back), summer breakfast, brunch, dinner, drinks and a jacuzzi. Plus, there will be dedicated poolside networking spots and a party at the Ushuaia Club VIP area. Additional information about the conference: The ticket price is €2250. For those who want to stay in Ibiza, there are special discounts from ClickBid Ibiza.

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