Conference 3nd Annual GAME Greece

19 October 2023 - 20 October 2023
Greece, Athens
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About 3nd Annual GAME Greece

The third ten days of October will begin with the third annual gambling conference - GAME. The organizers of the event promise guests not only reports from leading experts in the field, which is valuable in itself, but also to combine the most current trends in gambling with modern and promising technologies within one platform. Simply put, guests of the event will be able to find out today exactly how the rules of the game will change “tomorrow”. Among the GAME 2023 stands will be the world's leading gambling operators, software developers and payment service representatives. In addition, guests will be able to communicate with specialists from companies providing anti-fraud services, anti-money laundering experts, lawyers, as well as officials and even law enforcement officers specializing in combating fraud. In general, in addition to reports, networking and entertainment, there will be a lot of tasty things.

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