Conference Митап НЕФТЬ от LuckyTeam

29 March 2024 - 29 March 2024
Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
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About Митап НЕФТЬ от LuckyTeam

On Friday, March 29, NEFT, a closed meetup for media buyers, will take place in St. Petersburg. Participants in the meetup will be experienced arbitrage specialists, industry tops, arbitration team leaders, as well as LuckyTeam managers and team leads, with whom you will be able to meet in person, discuss working with traffic and ask any questions. The program includes a pleasant location for networking - the TSINIST restaurant in the very center of St. Petersburg with a buffet table and lounge areas, poker and video game tournaments, a 6-hour DJ set and much more. You can find more details about the meetup here. Admission is free, but applications for participation will be moderated manually in order to improve the quality of the audience. Go to the bot to submit an application and get into the closed community.

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