Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 19.07.2024

Affiliate World in Budapest Starts in 3... 2...

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 19.07.2024
7 min

Hi! Let me introduce myself: Margarita, middle-editor at Traffic Cardinal, at your service.

For me, Affiliate World events will always carry a whiff of nostalgia: its conference in Barcelona was my first-ever affiliate marketing event, and while it didn’t go as smoothly as I would have liked, it nonetheless left a mark in my soul. I was a mere fresher in the field, knowing a thing or two about the market; I had absolutely no idea what those conferences meant, and felt intimidated by the motivated crowd (yes, sure, they are here to bombard you with questions, no one is there to talk to), enormous spaces (what if I stray away from my good friend water cooler, get lost, and die in the maze of booths?), bright banners (I might go blind!), and loud reports coming from the stage (bringing back deafness as a keepsake!). And the preliminary work, oh my God: I checked all the links three times in a row because we traditionally offer a discount (by the way, we still do that, and you can claim it, too. Just read the article to the very end.) And the number of assignments to accomplish! Film this, record that; talk to that person, find the right guy; check the questions; take a photo... Stressful, isn’t it?

The reality, as could be expected, wasn’t nearly as frightening as I had envisioned sitting on a plane: the attendees were indeed motivated, the spaces were indeed enormous, and the banners indeed blinded me for a moment, but my colleague helped me navigate. The geisha as she was, she skillfully talked to the strangers, prying into the juiciest details that could be of interest to us as a company. Well, not to sell myself short, I’m quite talkative myself, but that’s where I thought I would never polish my incipient prowess of talking business. If there’s anything to polish to begin with. Frankly, I don’t know if I could manage it all, had my colleague not been around. I can easily imagine myself cowered in the farthest corner, trembling in consternation, not knowing what to do and having not so much confidence in my own skills. Well, at least I was remarkably motivated and was BURNING to start networking.

Affiliate World in Barcelona, 2023
Affiliate World in Barcelona, 2023

Affiliate World in Barcelona, 2023
Affiliate World in Barcelona, 2023

The Affiliate World team must have hired the Oracle of Delphi and read my mind: this amazing conference arranges the AW First-Timers’ Affiliate Meetup to boost your confidence, reveal insider tips, and maximize your experience. It might not seem like a big deal, but in effect, that’s one of the best solutions the brand could’ve offered. To get rid of the crippling fear numbing your entire organism, you need to familiarize yourself with the surroundings: use these exciting two days of the conference to your advantage! This meetup does the job: you won’t seem any less experienced if everyone around you is just as inexperienced (and, quite possibly, a little scared.)

The brand made another achievement in terms of organization. You might arrive in Budapest in advance to have all the time in the world to wallow in every sauna, try every bar, visit the Vajdahunyad Castle, run around the Parliament, stare aimlessly at the Danube, and contemplate the historical challenges Hungary addressed in the past. Still, all these activities can take up a chunk of your mind and make you forget about the registration process. If you stay at Párisi Udvar Hotel Budapest, you can literally fall into oblivion, because you will be able to grab your lanyard and badge at the reception desk. I’m certainly one of the people who can get lost in museums and lose track of time, so if you’re just like me, keep that in mind.

I felt like mentioning a few speakers invited to attend, but hey, this is Affiliate World, it’s always packed with celebrities big and small, covering the most diverse set of topics. The speeches have not been announced yet, but you can safely say that Attila Odri (i Am Corporation Inc.), Eugene Rusin (PIN-UP Partners), Sasha Vitez (Google), and Stefan Muehlbauer (Affpal Consulting) have quite a bunch of secrets to divulge. By the way, if you wish to share your own observations with the public, you can leave a request on the AW site, but beware: the application closes on July, 30.

Another slight change that can smooth your experience at the conference and really makes a huge difference is the navigation on the website.Users are no longer dealing with a litany of exhibitors; to simplify the process and ensure the seamless experience, the team enabled a few filters: by location, company types, and verticals. Preparation has never been so easy: now you KNOW what this banner is about, and you are aware of the companies that will be your number one perfect fit. Now you can jot down the best options for your business, cover them in one day, and dedicate your second day to the languid stroll in the labyrinthine passages of the expo, making casual acquaintances beside the brightest booths that caught your attention.

Oh, I know I am talking too much. Here are the crucial details for every potential attendee charmed by the idea of spending time in the grand city of Budapest.


As promised, here you can find the essential information you need to book your flight and visit Hungary.

Date: September, 5 & 6

Venue: Hungexpo Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center

Now, onto the most intriguing subject. The Affiliate World events always cost a pretty penny, but here’s one way to make it a little cheaper: Traffic Cardinal is known for forging partnerships with prominent players, so here’s the link that will give you a 20% discount. Don’t miss this unique proposition, Affiliate World rarely provides such a deal!

That’s about it! Hope to see you there and have a little chat: that’s gonna be legendary.

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