Articles on «marketing»
Climate change, pollution, ocean garbage patches and destroyed ecosystems… All of these problems can no longer be dismissed. Luckily, people become more aware of their negative impact on the planet and try hard to reverse it. Day after day. To achieve this goal, they are introducing ...
Neural networks are constantly transforming and recently we’ve witnessed many rising AI stars with huge potential. Well-known Chat GPT and Gemini, which up until recently cozily nested atop the Olympus of cutting-edge technologies, now have to make way for a new generation of promising rivals. ...
Curious about how much each click on your affiliate links can earn you? Then, buckle up and get ready to learn about EPC or Earnings Per Click, somewhat of a financial compass on your marketing path. In this article, we’ll unveil the definition and arithmetic behind it, plus share tips and ...
Every runner needs a set of distance markers and a finish line to understand their progress in the race. The same rule applies to affiliate marketing – you need certain pointers to know where you stand with your campaigns. Postback URLs are the tools you can use to achieve this clarity and make ...
Imagine yourself at a party where you meet three types of guests: the ones who don’t know anyone (cold leads), the ones who might know a few folks (warm leads) and the ones who are ready to have fun till sunrise (hot leads). Choosing your marketing strategies is quite similar to mingling at that ...
Back in the day, marketers had to hunt for clients through cold calls, newspaper ads and even flyers on lamp posts. But lead generation has evolved a lot since then and got way smarter and more automated to save your time and effort. We are here to explore its basics, why it matters and how you ...
Did you know that 80% of buyers are more likely to make a purchase on your site when brands offer personalized experiences? And, by the way, 63% of customers do expect you to know their needs and expectations. These little pieces of statistics are already enough to convince you to pay ...
The soft glow of twinkling lights, the smell of pine, cinnamon and woodsmoke, the air is electric with holiday spirit… Fellow affiliate marketers, it’s your moment to shine! People across the globe are getting into a festive mood, ready to buy presents and celebrate the magical season of giving. ...
Come to think of it, marketing specialists are modern adventurers on a treasure hunt. There's only one minor difference: instead of an old dusty scroll with a scraggly X scribbled on it, they draw their maps themselves, hoping to acquire not a treasure chest abrim with doubloons and jewelry but ...
Feel excited to take your Instagram marketing to the next level? Just imagine, how cool it would be if your ads not just caught eyes but also sparked conversations and drove real results… Today is your day! Together we’ll explore the most inspiring ads out there and uncover what makes them so ...