Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 18.10.2023

Breaking Down Affiliate Marketing Tracking Software 2024

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 18.10.2023
21 min

Any affiliate marketer who wants a higher profit has to reduce the costs of advertising campaigns without decreasing their efficiency. There are many ways to do it, but the first impulse is to cut off the ineffective combinations and focus on the most profitable ones. After all, if you spend money and get no result, the essence of the entire business turns into a vague notion understood by few. However, developers found a solution: affiliate marketing tracking software.

This article will focus on the best affiliate tracking software, highlighting the most impressive options, pointing out their functions, and dwelling on their main purpose in the business. Shall we begin?

What is Affiliate Marketing Software?

Affiliate tracking programs include software that automates the collecting, processing, and analysis of information about advertising campaigns. Such tools often have other functions, among which traffic management and ad management could be essential.

Affiliate Tracking Programs vs. TDS

TDS is a traffic distribution system that has no other functions. Simply put, it was designed to do one thing only, and it has been doing this one thing for ages. The specialists of the past resorted to it, but eventually, it was replaced by an affiliate marketing tracking solution. This one product combines a statistics collection mode, report editing function, and advertising campaign integration. Such an extensive approach makes the launch and maintenance of the campaign more automated, informative, and effective due to the ability to make quick and accurate management decisions.

Who Needs Affiliate Tracking?

Usually, affiliate tracking platforms are essential for specialists working directly with advertising and marketing companies. Professionals dealing with such programs expand reach, drive sales, effectively manage and optimize affiliate programs for better results and clearer vision.

Why Do You Need Affiliate Tracking?

  • Quick strategy analysis. Creative and traffic source information gets into one place, where the built-in filters can divide the details based on its GEO, operators, devices, and other parameters. This helps you refine your advertising campaign according to the individual criteria.
  • Traffic distribution. Using an affiliate tracking system, you can distribute and redirect traffic in accordance with specified parameters. In other words, you won't have to stop the campaign to change the network when you reach the limit on leads or offers.
  • Maximum profit. Tracking traffic, you can redirect it to individual offers or categorize users by country, language, and other indicators. Some advertisers pay more for leads from specified countries.
  • Detailed reports. You can draw up a detailed report on the advertising campaign, outlining its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Split tests. Such tests must be conducted to divide the user flow between a one-page website, offers, or a direct address.

In short, trackers are needed to define which approaches work best and result in higher conversion and determine the strategy that helps reduce the expenses of the advertising campaign. In some cases, such applications bypass Facebook moderation, conceal campaign statistics from advertisers, and create landing page templates for faster advertising launches.

No Need for an Affiliate Marketing Tracking Software

Traffic sources and destinations should be tracked down, as it helps you cut off the ineffective links from your overall impeccable advertising campaign: it's not hard to do, and the Internet is abrim with free options waiting for you.

However, they are not always that necessary: well-qualified affiliates, absolutely confident about their abilities and the reliability of the sources, GEOs, creatives, and offers, can do without testing. For obvious reasons, it doesn't happen as often as you'd like it to: one single mistake can cost you a pretty penny, and a grand could be washed down the drain. The point is: check out the weaknesses and your traffic data.

Tracking Software Variations

Affiliate marketing tracking platforms are abundant on the Internet and can be divided into several groups, depending on their purpose and key functions. Of course, you don't have to do it yourself: we've categorized them all for you!

Server Trackers

Just an ordinary app with an equally ordinary installer that needs activation on the server and the system data unpacking.


  • Fast response, as there's no buffer between the system and the application.
  • An unlimited amount of traffic can be driven due to the speed of server-side implementation.
  • All collected information is automatically saved to a securely protected server, giving you time to study the strengths and weaknesses of an advertising campaign after its completion.


  • Server rent is not a bargain sale, so you'll have to spend money on it every month.
  • Server/software configuration and maintenance require time, money, experience, and profound knowledge.
  • Traffic from farther GEOs will be processed at a lower speed.
  • License is a must. Each server you obtain must be provided with a license you are required to buy.

Server trackers are an excellent option for affiliates who target advertising campaigns in neighboring countries or have chosen the GEO to work with.

The technological shortcomings of server trackers are compensated for by high speed and the ability to store large amounts of information.

Cloud Trackers

No need to download software and install it on a server: whatever you want to do can be done online. Advertising campaign data is recorded and stored in the cloud. Of course, it's always available for study, and the protection level of the cloud trackers is not inferior to server-type trackers.


  • High data transfer speed ensured by the automatic selection of the server and GEO.
  • No technical knowledge needed to configure and maintain the tracker.


One thing you should consider is the price, which may vary.

From an economic point of view, it is more profitable to use server trackers, but in terms of functionality and performance, cloud trackers are much ahead of their counterparts.

Tracker Price

Many applications have free versions, but most are distributed online by a shareware model, implying that an affiliate can download a demo version for a trial period to check out the functions and scrutinize the implemented tools. After a certain number of days, the system offers to sign up for a paid subscription.

There are paid trackers, too: no room for free functions, just a ton of tools to employ. Such applications are chosen by professionals who want to constantly maintain a certain conversion rate and improve their approaches when creating advertising campaigns.

How to Track

Despite the fundamental differences in information storage and performance, all applications work according to the same scheme. Master one tracker and you'll understand what others are about.

Wiring Up

Server trackers and cloud trackers operate on different mechanisms. Server trackers work on a remote server with the necessary software; as a rule, this server is located in another country. With cloud trackers, you pay a fee, sign up, and get your tools ready.

However, the process might still be tricky for those who barely peeped at tracker platforms, so we are here to provide instructions on how to connect a server tracker Prosper202 for a better understanding. Heads up: Make sure that the database and domain on the hosting are clean.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Open your browser and go to the tracker’s official website.
    Downloading the tracker
    Downloading the tracker
  2. Download the installer and save it to a device of your choice. Go to the hosting and add the application to the server through the client. A window automatically opens: the system warns you that the configuration file is missing.
    Creating the configuration file
    Creating the configuration file
  3. Click the provided link to create the configuration file and agree with the statement that it is highly significant to remember the hosting information. Click the LET'S GO button. Look at the form that opens automatically and enter the parameters for synchronization with the database in the empty fields.
  4. When the registration window appears, type in the login, password, email address and time zone.
    Registration form
    Registration form
  5. Click on the tracker installer button. Upon completion of the procedure, a window for authorization in the system will open. The installation of the affiliate application is complete. The next step is to configure the system parameters.

Custom Settings

Now you see the pristine program, as supplied by the developers, and you need to adjust it to your own needs by pushing a few buttons. Again, for a better understanding, we will divide the further algorithm into several logical blocks.

Choosing an Affiliate Network

To add an advertising network, go to the Aff.Networks tab and click on the Create button in the bottom left corner of the user window. In the window that appears, indicate the network name and confirm the seriousness of your intentions with the Save button.

Choosing an affiliate network
Choosing an affiliate network

If you need to register several networks for several different advertising campaigns, just repeat all the actions as many times as needed.

Adding Traffic Sources

Go to the Traffic Sources tab and press the Create button. In the window that appears, click the Load from template button if you already have a template with all the settings. If there is none, click on the corresponding button and enter the name of the traffic source.

Choosing the traffic sources
Choosing the traffic sources

Sometimes affiliates want tokens that can transfer data about user device types, operating systems, and other traffic sources. If you are one of them, tick the appropriate box.

All that remains is to submit the changes made to the system with the Save button.

Getting the Offer

Getting the offer
Getting the offer

To add an offer to the tracker, log in to the previously selected affiliate network and go to the offer page. Next, copy the Unique link to the clipboard.

Return to the tracker client. Go to the Offers tab and activate the Create button. Type in the offer name and paste the previously copied link into the appropriate field.

Offer settings in the tracker
Offer settings in the tracker

The system will automatically create a clickid token, which transmits information about clicks. To ensure that the identifier is registered by the algorithms, change the &s1 parameter to &s2. Define the GEO, group, and affiliate program. You can also indicate the cost of conversion and confirm with the Save button.

Setting the Landing Page

Go to the Landing Pages tab to add a landing page, and activate the Create button. A window automatically appears; type in the one-pager name and address; define the group, language, and number of offers used for this landing.

As it is an affiliate link tracking software, save the changes and go to the Tracking links section at the top of the user window. Once there, copy the links and paste them into the spaces users will click to be redirected from the landing page to the offer.

The system will automatically generate a Postback URL. This link must be copied and added to the affiliate network offer settings; to save some trouble, use your personal account.

Creating an Advertising Campaign

Advertising campaigns are created in the Campaign tab.

Creating an ad campaign
Creating an ad campaign

Press the Create button, enter the name, group, cost per click, and the traffic source.

Creating an ad campaign
Creating an ad campaign

Then, determine the traffic route:

  • The Direct setting implies that users will go to the offer directly without a landing page.
  • Press the + Lander button to attach a one-page site and offer.

Yes, the process is fairly long and intricate, but you have to do it only once to tame other such apps. And now, onto the functions!


Each tracking affiliate program has its own unique characteristics, but some functions pertain to most applications.

  • Ad campaign analytics. The system displays a summary table with the number of clicks, percentage of bots, conversion, profit, and the total number of leads. A detailed report is one click away.
  • Advertising campaign report. The document is easily converted into a .csv format. Once exported, it can be opened in other data processing programs.
  • Landing page analytics. The system collects statistics for each landing: the number of clicks, the ratio of expenses and income, and the Hold percentage. There are built-in tools for editing and cloning reports, so you can leave comments for colleagues or register an error without delay.
  • Offer analytics. Information about GEO, number of leads, income, and expenses, and CTR appears on the user display. There are built-in filters by country, group, and time zone.
  • Traffic sources analytics. The system records and analyzes CTR, number of leads, conversion, profit, and CPC.
  • Click analytics. This option provides data on all user clicks. The display shows click ID, traffic sources, their direction, the name of advertising campaigns, and offers linked to them. Information can be filtered by country, offer, status, or profitability. You can also export the table to the .csv format for further data processing.
  • Trigger creation. This function is similar to macros in MS Office. The user defines the conditions for certain mechanisms, and the system fulfills them after checking compliance. This is how you can automate routine processes when running an advertising campaign. A perfect opportunity to focus on more important tasks.

Standards for ordinary affiliate marketing tracking software are pretty high. TDS can't compete, right?

Top Traffic Trackers

The Internet is redundant with traffic tracking platforms, but we focus on the best tracking software for affiliate marketing. These solutions will make your conversion rate go through the roof. Shall we?


A cloud tracker is famous for its versatility and abundance of tools. Affiliates can track key indicators of advertising campaigns, automate routine processes, and create detailed reports on the effectiveness in real-time.

There is a built-in module that creates reports on the accomplished tasks. These can be sent to partners as a portfolio or proof of fulfilling an advertiser’s order.

  • trial period: 14 days;
  • subscription cost: $49.


  • multifunctionality;
  • cross-platform solutions and integration with many platforms;
  • automation of advertising campaigns;
  • reports on parameters for efficiency assessment.


  • too complex for beginners due to its extensive functionality;
  • access to advanced features appears only in paid plans.



A server tracker with a trial version and limited functionality for assessing the quality. This is a flexible tool that works with different GEOs, and it easily integrates with different services.

  • trial period: 14 days;
  • subscription cost: $25-70.


  • precise access settings (you can study the information about the campaign or reports);
  • detailed reports with the necessary metrics to increase informational value;
  • 100 affiliate templates for quick connection to personal accounts and ad campaign creation;
  • low cost.


The tracker needs to be 'attached' to the server. It's not as time-consuming as it sounds but requires skill and knowledge.



AdsBridge is a cloud-based software with Smartlink technology, which implies that you only drive traffic to a single link, and the system automatically studies each visitor. The algorithm itself directs the person to a suitable offer to increase conversion.

  • trial period: 14 days;
  • subscription cost: from $29 to $379.


  • extensive functionality;
  • you can create your own business using Smartlink technology;
  • built-in landing page builder.


high subscription cost.



A well-known server tracker with a trial period, within which all the functions of the platform are available. The developers created a user-friendly, understandable interface with instructions and tips, and in case you doubt what to do next and how to adjust the settings, you can reach out to the support service.

The built-in smart rotation system redirects users who close a landing page they've just seen to another one-pager.

  • trial period: 14 days;
  • subscription price starts from $79.


  • high productivity
  • prompt and loyal support service;
  • intuitive user interface.


You will have to tinker with installing the application on a server.



A hybrid tracker with advanced functionality. The developers did all they could to combine the best qualities of the two types of trackers. The software is installed quickly and without special technical knowledge; all modules are assembled into a single interface in 3-5 minutes.

  • free plan period: unlimited;
  • subscription price: $210 to $899.


  • built-in domain management and the ability to create servers for any region of the world;
  • the ability to create flexible and dynamic reports;
  • No script or code knowledge is necessary;
  • built-in database of roles for team management.


high cost of functionality.


Now, let's sum things up.

  • All trackers solve more or less the same problems but differ in operating principles and technical parameters.
  • Determine whether you prefer a server or a cloud. The first option fits affiliates who work certain GEOs and do not want to depend on the visit limit. The second one suits webmasters who run dozens of advertising campaigns for different regions.
  • Calculate how much per month you can safely spend on renting a tracker.
  • Optimize costs by calculating how your paid plan will meet your professional needs.
  • Try the remaining options during the trial period to finally make a choice.

Wrapping Up

An affiliate tracking platform can automate routine processes and increase conversion through more effective advertising campaigns. Profits will also grow as operating costs for ineffective assets will be reduced. The tool is available and necessary for every webmaster who wants to earn more and spend less.

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