Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 14.06.2024

Meme Marketing: Crafting Shareable Ads for Affiliate Triumph

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 14.06.2024
26 min

Are you ready to transform your affiliate marketing game? Look no further than memes – the secret ingredient that can turn clicks into conversions and laughter into leads.

In this article, we’ll dive into why memes are more than just internet humour; they’re a strategic marketing weapon that transcends niches and audiences. Whether you’re promoting health supplements, investment opportunities or fashion trends, memes can be your ticket to affiliate triumph.

Get ready for inspiration, practical tips and a fresh perspective on how to infuse your campaigns with share-worthy, meme-driven magic. Buckle up, because your next affiliate success story starts here!

The Basics of Meme Marketing

What Is a Meme?

A meme is more than just a funny image or video shared online. It’s an idea, behaviour or style that spreads through imitation from person to person within a culture. Memes can take various forms, including GIFs, videos, text posts or basic images. They often carry symbolic meaning and represent specific phenomena or themes.

Why Are Memes Effective for Affiliate Marketing?

  • High engagement. Memes are easy to share and understand, making them attention-grabbing. Brands that use memes can drive higher engagement rates. For instance, Netflix shares memes related to scenes from their shows, resulting in thousands of likes and reposts.

Netflix announces their new show on Instagram
Netflix announces their new show on Instagram

  • Viral potential. Memes spread rapidly across social media platforms. Their organic reach and interaction surpass standard marketing graphics. Ad campaigns with memes are 60% more likely to attract purchases.
  • Relatability and authenticity. Memes tap into shared experiences and emotions. When you successfully create or share funny memes that resonate with the audience, it fosters authenticity and a personal connection. This relatability can lead to increased awareness and engagement for the promoted offers, resulting in higher profits.
  • Low effort, high impact. Most of the work is already done: memes are widely shared and their concepts are clear. Affiliate marketers simply need to adapt memes to the offer’s requirements and brand identity before posting.
  • Community building. Memes bring communities together. Users not only like and comment on them but also eagerly share them. Webmasters can employ this sense of community to strengthen their online presence.

Meme Marketing by the Numbers

Here are some compelling statistics:

  • Memes generate 10 times more engagement than regular marketing visuals.
  • 55% of 13-35-year-olds share memes weekly, making younger audiences the primary meme sharers.
  • 38% of internet users follow meme accounts on social media.
  • 74% of meme sharers aim to make others smile or laugh.
  • Meme campaigns achieve 14% higher click-through rates (CTR) than email marketing.

Remember, memes are not only humorous but also relatable. By incorporating them into your affiliate marketing strategy, you can connect with your audience in a fun and authentic way, potentially driving conversions.

Meme Campaigns Across Different Niches

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some real-world examples of engaging meme marketing campaigns!


Memes have become a powerful tool in e-commerce marketing, injecting humour, relatability and shareability into ads. It’s time to check out how these internet-born gems can enhance brand engagement and drive sales.

This meme by sports apparel brand Doyoueven Women humorously depicts a common shopping dilemma, where despite unanimous advice against a purchase, the shopper declares, “sold,” indicating an impulsive buy. This scenario is relatable to many, making it an effective marketing technique. The brand cleverly uses humour to connect with the audience, while the caption provides a subtle call to action with the promise of “Guilt-free shopping” and enticing Halloween deals. The meme’s shareability and the nudge towards the brand’s link in bio leverage the viral nature of memes to boost engagement and potentially increase sales.

Here is another meme that presents a humorous image of a child in a pink frilly dress and tiara, with the text “Waiting for someone to ask me where my workout set is from…” This cleverly plays on the anticipation of sharing fashion finds, a relatable moment for fitness enthusiasts. The brand uses this humour to foster a connection with its audience, subtly promoting their workout attire. The image’s wittiness and the accompanying hashtags encourage engagement, while the high number of likes indicates the meme’s popularity and effectiveness in resonating with viewers.

One more witty ad from Doyoueven Women features a still from “Sex and the City,” with the text “When someone asks where I spend my money…” humorously implying that the person spends significantly on fashion. The post’s caption and hashtags promote the brand’s sale, encouraging viewers to shop while tapping into the cultural popularity of the show. The meme’s humour and reference to a beloved series effectively engage the audience, driving interest and potential sales.

The following YesStyle meme playfully highlights the anticipation for the spooky season that begins in October, culminating in Halloween. The left panel, “Me on September 30th,” features a person in a light floral dress, representing the last day before the festive transformation. The right panel, “October 1st,” showcases the same person now fully embracing the Halloween spirit with a darker, gothic-inspired outfit and boots, ready for the month’s eerie festivities. This meme cleverly taps into the excitement for Halloween, engaging the audience with a relatable switch to fall’s spookier fashion trends and prompting item numbers for purchases.

Yet another meme from YesStyle creatively plays on the characteristics of the zodiac signs. One of the examples features a person wearing a blue t-shirt labelled “Aries” and white cargo pants with pockets humorously labelled with traits like “random bursts of energy” and “iconic comebacks.” The caption “what the signs keep in their cargo pants” suggests that each zodiac sign has unique attributes they “carry” with them. This approach personalises the content for viewers who identify with their zodiac traits, making it a fun and engaging way to connect with the audience. The meme’s format, which can be extended to other signs, offers a broad appeal, while the playful take on zodiac stereotypes provides a shareable and relatable piece of marketing.

The meme from WOW Skin Science cleverly uses the double meaning of “mask” to engage viewers. It contrasts a protective cloth mask with a skincare mask, playing on the pandemic-era advice to wear a mask. This witty take not only promotes their skincare products but also resonates with the audience’s current experiences. The meme’s humour and relevance to both health and beauty make it a smart marketing move for the brand.

This beauty meme features a cat with glasses looking at a laptop, humorously representing someone’s internal struggle with skincare shopping. It reflects the all-too-relatable moment of trying to resist the temptation of new beauty products, despite a self-imposed spending ban. It’s a playful nod to the irresistible allure of the latest skincare trends.

Another hilarious meme cleverly incorporates the viral image of Bernie Sanders from the Presidential Inauguration in January 2021. Sanders was captured sitting alone, socially distanced, wearing a winter coat and distinctive mittens, which became an internet sensation. IKEA’s version of the meme humorously features a folding chair and oven gloves that resemble Sanders’ seating and mittens, with the tagline “GET THE LOOK.” This playful advertisement showcases IKEA’s products while tapping into a popular cultural moment, demonstrating the brand’s engagement with current trends and internet humour.


While finance is traditionally viewed as a serious domain where credibility is paramount, the strategic use of memes can offer a refreshing twist. This approach must be navigated carefully, ensuring that humour enhances engagement without compromising the professional integrity of the financial entity.

The meme used by the app Invstr features a figure in a suit against a backdrop of stock market charts, with the bold caption “DON’T BE STONKS GUY!” The term “stonks” is a humorous internet slang that plays on the word “stocks,” often used to satirise poor investment decisions. This meme serves as a lighthearted warning against making uninformed financial choices, while the “Install Now” prompt encourages viewers to consider using the Invstr app for smarter investing. It’s a clever blend of humour and marketing that resonates with the meme culture prevalent among many investors today.

The following meme by WhiteBit is a humorous take on the iconic “Batman slapping Robin” format, commemorating Bitcoin Pizza Day. This parody captures the infamous event where 10,000 Bitcoins were spent on two pizzas, humorously reflecting on the astronomical value growth of Bitcoin since then. It also subtly encourages investors to consider the long-term possibilities and join the market. WhiteBit uses this meme to engage the crypto community with a light-hearted reminder of Bitcoin’s history.


In the dating niche, where first impressions and quick wits reign supreme, memes have found a unique place in capturing the humour and complexities of modern relationships. They offer a playful way to communicate the highs and lows of dating, resonating with the shared experiences of those navigating the path to love.

This Bumble ad featuring a still from Barbie movie captures the dating app’s playful spirit and the balancing act of personal growth with the search for love. The vibrant colours and whimsical backdrop make it visually appealing, while the call-to-action encourages viewers to engage with Bumble. This meme effectively uses relatable humour and a touch of nostalgia to connect with its audience.

The Tinder meme features a profile with interests like “Craft Beer,” “Camping,” and “Stand up Comedy,” and poses the question if this is a red or green flag. This sparks user interaction and debate, cleverly engaging the audience. By using humour and relatable content, Tinder highlights its profile features and encourages sharing, which can attract new users and increase the app’s visibility. Such memes are an effective digital marketing strategy, utilising social media’s interactive nature to promote the brand.

The meme from the dating app Coffee Meets Bagel humorously addresses dating communication. It features a man on the phone, with text expressing relief for directness over “hot and cold games,” jokingly suggesting a “heart robbery” to 911. It resonates with the frustration of mixed signals in dating, while promoting the app’s value of straightforward connections. Memes like this effectively engage users by reflecting common dating experiences with a touch of humour.


Memes are everywhere and they’re changing the way we talk about travel as well. With just a picture and a punchline, they can tell a story about a place that sticks with people long after they’ve scrolled past. Now, let’s look at how these internet jokes are making a splash in tourism marketing.

The following meme contrasts the life goals of past generations with today’s young adults. It humorously shows that while parents at 20 thought of buying homes and starting families, today’s 20-somethings are more inclined to travel, as depicted by a flight search. This approach effectively uses humour to connect with the audience and subtly promotes Booking’s travel services.

And this meme juxtaposes a parent’s concern with the allure of wanderlust. It starts with a message from “Dad” asking, “How’s the job hunt going?” which is a typical parental inquiry reflecting responsibility and practicality. Below, the meme humorously subverts this by showing travel suggestions for Indonesia, implying a desire to explore and escape rather than focus on job searching. This contrast plays on the theme of escapism and the common desire to break away from the pressures of career expectations, resonating with many who dream of travel and adventure. It’s a smart marketing move that taps into the travel cravings of the audience while promoting tourist destinations.


Memes have a unique way of making complex ideas stick, and in the education niche, they’re turning heads and sparking discussions. Let’s see how these catchy, shareable snippets are making learning more engaging and accessible.

This meme hints at Duolingo’s reputation for persistent reminders to study. It shows a notification from Duo chiding Julius Caesar for missing his Latin lesson, paired with a text from Brutus about the senate – a nod to Caesar’s historical assassination. The underlying joke is that skipping a lesson on Duolingo is as risky as Caesar’s fateful decision to attend the senate, where he met his end at the hands of Brutus and others. It blends historical humour with the app’s infamous nudges to create a memorable and shareable meme.

The meme from the Elevate app captures the common confusion between “affect” and “effect”, showing a person agonising over a decision at a control desk. This reflects the challenge many face in choosing the correct word, cleverly promoting Elevate’s focus on improving language skills through its educational games.

The meme by Quizlet uses the familiar theme of procrastination to strike a chord with anyone who has ever put off studying. It contrasts the optimistic “me saying I’ll study tomorrow” with the reality of “me when it’s tomorrow,” humorously capturing the all-too-relatable struggle of getting started on work we’ve postponed. The cartoon fox’s content expression versus the Stoned Fox’s overwhelmed look from a famous meme perfectly encapsulates this common human experience.


In the niche of nutrition and wellness, memes have become a flavorful ingredient in marketing campaigns, serving up humour that appeals to health-conscious audiences. Let’s digest some delectable meme campaigns that have successfully blended relatable content with nutritional wisdom.

The meme ad featuring “The Office” uses humour to suggest that “spacegoods superblends” is an ideal way to start the day, personalising the experience with a POV style. The strategic placement of the brand’s social media handle promotes audience interaction, effectively boosting brand visibility and engagement.

The meme by OZiva presents a humorous take on the common denial of health issues, juxtaposing a statement of not having an iron deficiency with an image of Kim Kardashian yawning, which subtly hints at the contradiction and the common symptom of tiredness associated with the condition. It’s a clever way to connect with the audience on a personal level, using a celebrity reference to highlight a relatable situation.

This meme uses a social situation to depict the preference for Vitable sachets over traditional vitamin bottles. It shows two people, representing the body and the sachets, in a close embrace, symbolising their compatibility. Meanwhile, a third person, awkwardly trying to join the hug and representing “redundant vitamin bottles,” illustrates the obsolescence and inconvenience of the old method. This visual metaphor humorously conveys the message that modern, convenient sachets are the preferred choice for vitamin supplementation.

Gambling and Betting

In the fast-paced niche of gambling and betting, memes help capture the thrill of chance and the allure of a big win. These playful images and witty catch phrases echo with audiences, enticing them to roll the dice and bet on their favourite games, all while fostering a sense of community and shared excitement in the pursuit of fortune.

The following meme uses humour and a sense of confidence to promote gambling, suggesting that it’s not just about taking a chance, but about being sure of winning. It’s designed to be quickly understood and shared, appealing to the desire for success and the fun of betting. The confident figure in the meme acts as a relatable character, encouraging viewers to feel that they, too, can be winners in the world of gambling.

Here is another meme that presents a humorous take on the discovery of online bingo, using the surprise of an elderly person to highlight the convenience and accessibility of modern gambling. It plays on the stereotype of older individuals being unfamiliar with technology, creating a light-hearted moment that can appeal to a broad audience. The underlying message is clear: online gambling is not just for the young or tech-savvy; it’s for everyone who enjoys the thrill of the game, anytime and anywhere.

Creating Memes for Ads: Key Tips

  • Stay updated with the latest internet trends and viral content to make your memes relatable and timely.
  • Ensure that your meme resonates with your target audience and relates to the offer you promote.
  • Release your memes at the right moment. Timing can be crucial, especially if the meme is related to current events or trending topics.
  • While humour is key, the meme should align with your offer’s voice and message.
  • Different social platforms cater to different demographics. Tailor your meme to fit the platform where it will be shared.
  • Keep it simple. The best memes are easy to understand and share.
  • Be mindful of copyright and trademark laws when using images and characters.

How to Make a Meme Ad

  • Pinpoint the core message you want your meme to convey.
  • Pick a meme format that fits your message and is currently popular.
  • Customise the meme to make it relevant to your campaign.
  • Use bold visuals and text to grab attention.
  • Test your meme with a small audience before a full release.
  • To create your meme, you can use free tools like Adobe or Imgflip, which offer a variety of templates. Canva is also a great option for more custom designs.

These steps will help you craft a meme that’s not only funny but also effective in delivering your advertising message. Remember, the goal is to create something that people will want to share, spreading your campaign organically.

Meme Pitfalls: What Marketers Should Know

When creating and launching meme campaigns, it’s important to be aware of potential pitfalls and risks:

  • Misinterpretation. Memes can be interpreted in various ways, and what’s humorous to one group may be offensive to another. It’s crucial to consider how your meme could be perceived by a diverse audience.
  • Short lifespan. Memes tend to have a short lifespan. What’s trending today might be forgotten tomorrow, so timing is everything.
  • Brand reputation. If a meme is in poor taste or backfires, it can damage the reputation of the brand you promote. Always align memes with the offer’s requirements and brand values.
  • Legal issues. Using copyrighted images or content without permission can lead to legal complications. Always use royalty-free or original content.
  • Overuse. Relying too heavily on memes can dilute your message and make your brand seem less serious or professional.
  • Viral for the wrong reasons. Sometimes a meme goes viral for all the wrong reasons, becoming a subject of ridicule rather than a successful marketing tool.

By being mindful of these risks, you can navigate the meme marketing landscape more safely and effectively, ensuring that your campaigns are well-received and successful.


Memes have emerged as a powerful tool in affiliate marketing, offering a unique blend of humour, relatability and viral potential that can significantly amplify the reach of ad campaigns across various niches. When crafted thoughtfully, they can create memorable connections with audiences, encouraging engagement and sharing.

However, it’s essential to navigate this space with care, ensuring that each meme aligns with your offer’s values and hits home with your target demographic. As you embark on your meme marketing journey, keep in mind the balance between creativity and sensitivity, humour and respect, virality and brand consistency. Good luck to all the marketers out there – may your campaigns capture the current trends and your memes strike a chord with audiences everywhere. Here’s to creating content that clicks, shares and converts!

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