Let's get straight to the point about Facebook access. You are locked out. It’s a total bummer. Maybe you are a marketer who needs to manage multiple ad accounts but keeps hitting frustrating limitations, your country has weird internet rules or you are just sick of being tracked everywhere. ...
Head Of Brand, NGM Game, Mike Waizman’s back and ready to foment enthusiasm and stir up your imagination slightly congealed after a flurry of conferences that sent your mind reeling. These events may have overstimulated your mind so much that all other activities that don’t include dynamic ...
Translation is... Well, a multifaceted problem studied since the great elders of Ancient Greece became a universal standard of truth: their influence stretched as far as one can imagine, and transcended geographical boundaries as well as those of the human mind. Okay, I might be a little biased ...
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Ever noticed how many ads pop up while you are crushing candies or editing your photos with a retouching app? There's actually a whole fascinating world behind those ads – one that's turning mobile apps into serious money-makers. If you are a marketer looking for fresh traffic sources or even an ...
Gambling and betting niches are booming and this can’t but attract webmasters from all kinds of backgrounds. However, it takes more than just deep pockets and traffic skills to get lucky in this field – you also need to understand the way players think to create the offer that really resonates. ...
LinkedIn, the no-man’s-land of the internet: it equally belongs to marketing experts, aspiring specialists, and talented entrepreneurs who have their fingers in every pie, but only a handful of professionals can set up their LinkedIn account in the most presentable way. There are tips, you know. ...
When I was a kid discovering the phenomenon of the internet unfurling before my eyes, I was fascinated by one available — or simply the only sufficiently popular — educational platform named Coursera. Modern kids might be able to come up with a longer list of E-learning platforms: the promising ...
We are not gonna lie, sometimes dealing with Facebook ads can feel like cracking a complex code. Keep calm, you don’t have to be a hacker to handle the job! Today we’ll debunk all the myths associated with this process and explain to you the ins and outs of precise audience targeting with ...
Hi there! Irina here, Traffic Cardinal’s Senior Editor. 2024 became a turning point for our digital journal and the team alike, and now I will summarize all our achievements.
Since 2023, the year we launched our affiliate digital journal, we’ve gained a solid foothold in the foreign media ...
As a middle editor, I've covered many various subjects related to affiliate marketing and other adjoining spheres. But I rarely have a chance to reminisce on all the topics we've brought up as a digital journal, so I used to be remarkably heedless of the number of things we discuss in our ...