Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 28.01.2023

What is the #304 hashtag and who are TikTok accountants?

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 28.01.2023
2 min

Codeword for Prohibited Topics

Let's immediately answer the question hanging in the air: no, 304 is not a server response code nor programming has anything to do with it. TikTok users must follow strict site rules: for instance, it is forbidden to openly discuss intimate topics and publish nude videos; a number of hashtags, such as #tits, #boobs, #whore etc. are altogether banned.

Due to heavy censorship on TT, users have come up with codewords and terms that allow them to discuss any topics they like, regardless of the platform policy. Even if these topics are not suitable for the platform.

Accountants. Who Are They?

When someone on TikTok claims to be an accountant, it usually means they are an exotic dancer. Accountants on TikTok are gaining a lot of popularity by sharing their everyday videos, including how much money they make performing on stage. If the dancers had openly used hashtags exposing their job, they would've been banned and removed from the app.

TikTok accountants aren't just showing off bags of cash. They also occasionally share fancy costumes they wear on stage, make-up and hair tutorials, and ways to create a glamorous look. Sometimes they talk about difficult pole tricks, if they have professional equipment. Many accountants prefer to make videos at home.

What Do 304 and SW Mean?

If you enter number 304 into a calculator and turn it upside down, you will haphazardly discover an expletive starting with the letter 'h'. For those who don’t understand, this word is hoe. Another unrestricted hashtag that identifies a member of the intimate sphere is #SW. This tag is placed anywhere.


TikTok censors over 100 types of content. These hashtags are not described in the rules of the social network. In 2020, Intercept released leaked internal documents that revealed shocking facts about the site's censorship policy, but there was no mention of the sex-related tags listed in the article. It is not clear why moderation is more loyal to such videos and skips content with explicit topics. Let's see how the situation will change in future.

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