Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 28.01.2023

Becoming an Affiliate Marketer

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 28.01.2023
10 min

Scrolling through the Internet trying to find a reliable way to scrape up a fortune, one inevitably comes across an enticing option: affiliate marketing.

But not many can explain what stands beyond the abyss of this name. Are you already curious about where to begin and how to get there? We'll keep you covered: scroll down to find out!

Affiliate Marketing: Explained

Affiliate marketing is a marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays a commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.

Let us explain. Imagine there is a silk lingerie manufacturer who still needs to hire or, for some reason, refuses to hire a marketing specialist to promote the product. A set of underwear costs $200, and the manufacturer decides they are ready to give approximately 30% for promotion to pay off the investments. So, this manufacturer registers the product in a CPA network, stating they are willing to pay $60 for each client. The CPA network takes the commission, let's say 50%. Affiliate marketers then choose a pre-made offer, promoting it on various platforms.

While the algorithm seems pretty straightforward, the structure becomes more intricate each day — some may call it interesting, intriguing, even. Choose the term you prefer: we're here to give you the juicy details you're looking for.

Shall I Start in 2022?

Honestly, it was way simpler in 2010: policies, creatives, and other details didn't demand so much, ahem, mental agility. Nowadays, it's all about competition, no matter the niche or the offer. It has its own benefits, though: there is tons of information about what to do, how to do, where to find and what exactly to look for. In fact, if you're a smart, zealous fellow (or a diligent gal, we appreciate women in this sphere!), you'll be quick enough to fit in.

Let me give you some numbers for statistics:

The global Internet traffic market volume in 2020 reached $345 million; by 2027, it is forecasted to go even further: a whopping $1.503 billion. On average, Internet marketing growth is expected to increase by 25% over the remaining five years.

How Do I Become an Affiliate Marketer?

Just a few things: money, savvy, a sprinkle of luck, and patience: as thick as a bundle of optical fiber. Yeah, right, many websites are teeming with posts promising mountains of money (and they exist, that much is true), but we need to mention obvious drawbacks such as sleepless nights and commercials that give you little to no benefit…

Anyways, that's what you can do to direct traffic:

  • Shell out your money. $50 is enough to buy commercials on different platforms and start testing. Here are the expenses:

  1. Making creatives. Whatever you think about creative activity, it is an integral part of any commercial: that's what makes (or doesn't make) the potential client click the link. You can either use stock photos and your competitors' tricks or try outsourcing.
  2. Proxy. Not infrequently, ad settings get your accounts banned: the same IPs are known for causing a lot of problems for an affiliate marketer. So, webs use proxy servers to change their GEO and IPs.
  3. Landing pages. Landing pages are the pages that demonstrate your offer, product, or service. Mind you, they are not always necessary, and you can get them for free: some affiliate programs can give them to you, and, in case they pass moderation and increase your conversion rate, you don't need to create your own.
  4. Anti detect browsers. They resemble Google in certain aspects, but the user's print is replaced by someone else's. This approach is obligatory if you wish to remain anonymous, avoid anti-fraud programs, and cheat for likes, referral and account farms.
  5. Accounts. You'll need more accounts if you get banned or your activities expand. Actually, there are several options: auto-registered accs, self-registered accs, or rented accs.
  • Shell out someone else's money. Join a team and enrich your own experience by working with other affiliate marketers. But—not everyone will be eager to hire you with zero experience, so learn something before you try!

  • CFT. Conditionally free traffic is a sheer paradise for the webs with scarce funds. You can direct it from literally anywhere: YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Telegram, you name it.

What Should I Know?

Oh my, that's a real Hogwarts out there, if not more. There, at least, they had teachers and a line of professors with wizard wands at the ready, and here you're floundering all alone. Affiliate marketers are obliged to keep tabs on supply and demand, various niches, seasonal fluctuations, bans, and many other things— Are you scared yet? Don't be; I promised: we've got you covered! We are offering you a carcass to use. Just don't be shy to give it some muscles.

  • Study your competitors. It will increase your awareness of gimmicks and tricks that may come in handy, keeping you in the loop.

  • Take note of details. When you adjust ad settings, you must be extremely careful, as even the slightest change can affect the campaign gravely. So, jot down the alterations.

  • Choose a niche to your liking. It can be practically anything: gambling, betting, Nutra, crypto, or whatever else seems worth a try, and delve deeper into it, don't squander your energy.

  • Don't waste your money buying an affiliate marketing course — have a substantial dinner instead. Affiliate marketing is certainly not a business where professionals share their experiences with others.

Interview with an Affiliate Marketer: Giving Tips

HardLunch, more than 2 years of experience

So how do you think it's better to start affiliate marketing right now or wait up for a while?

Well, if you have never worked in an online sphere, I'd say no, this is not the right time. Be wiser: find stable sources of income offline, and when you're done, give affiliate marketing a try.

Can you give us a piece of advice? Where to begin, which niche newcomers should pay attention to, and how much money do they actually need to start?

Here's something to reconsider: no matter what traffic you're trying to redirect, you are bound to a setback. It may be a short interim of time, it may be a longer one, but the fact is that you'll have no money, not knowing what to expect. So save up twice as much as you've expected, and prepare to lose. As for the niches, I'd recommend Nutra.

How to enter affiliate marketing quickly? Is it possible to gain profit without failing too many times?

Doing affiliate marketing on your own is an intricate assignment. First, you must develop your analytical thinking skills and train your moral courage to overcome all the hindrances that, unfortunately, tend to last long. If you reach this, you'll benefit from the business quickly enough.

How much money do you spend monthly on consumables? What niche are you most attracted to?

As I have developed a systematic approach to dating, the expenses are more than reasonable: approximately $150. Creativity and understanding are crucial.

Alexander, working in affiliate marketing since 2014, MTRAF platform founder:

So how do you think it's better to start affiliate marketing right now or wait up for a while?

If you like it, why wait? I know a bunch of people who have just discovered new directions in affiliate marketing and increased their income. I see no point in 'waiting up' as crises and changes give way to new opportunities.

Can you give us a piece of advice? Where to begin, which niche newcomers should pay attention to, how much money do they actually need to start?

We specialize in dating, so this is the only niche I can speak of. It is especially attractive for newcomers as the expense is remarkably low, and the profit is remarkably high.

By the way, in the affiliate marketing community, dating is deemed to be a transit hub of sorts, a stop before working with paid traffic. In reality, the situation is different: people often return to dating rather than sticking to other niches.

How much money do you spend monthly on consumables? What niche are you most attracted to?

As I have previously stated, CFT dating is cheap, if not free at all. Usually, we find a source, test its filters, adjust the automation, and purchase consumables (proxy and SMS activations), and here we are. The expenses are defined by the source and by the audience size.

Actually, there are sources that let you work using only one IP or VPN. Say TikTok, which is extremely popular with affiliate marketers, works with VPN. Theoretically, a TikTok account can cost several bucks, but in the long run, it can afford you a good profit of several thousand grand.


Affiliate marketing is an interesting sphere where you can develop as a professional. All necessary information is available; you don't have to glean those pieces trying to form a clear vision of the occupation: just look around. Here you can earn millions of dollars on a monthly basis, all you need to do is to work a little harder.

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