Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 30.01.2023

Searching for El Dorado in Mexico

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 30.01.2023
11 min

The world is indeed an interesting place: there's a large variety of options you want to try, and if you're resilient enough, you'll certainly find an opportunity that suits you best. However, no matter how successful we can be, we're still looking for an El Dorado, a city of gold. And guess what? We seem to have discovered it — in Mexico.

Introducing the Target Audience

With a population of about 129 million in 2022, Mexico is the 10th most populated country in the world. The majority of residents live in urban areas, for example, in big cities like Mexico City, Ecatepec de Morelos, Tijuana, Puebla de Zaragoza, Guadalajara, Ciudad Juárez, Zapopan.

The Internet is widespread and used by 70% of the population, both mobile and desktop versions. This fact, though, may not be the treasure chest you're looking for: you're obviously eager to know if Mexicans are ready to buy products. Let us spare the suspense here. Yes. Yes, they are.

Mexicans tend to scroll through various offers and websites, trying to find the option to their liking. However, before they actually decide what to buy and whether they should buy something in the first place, they examine reviews with excruciating scrupulousness. Another thing to keep in mind to tailor offers for this country is the approximate age of the online customers: 30-40 years.

Adding a tad of linguistics into the article, we can safely say that Spanish, the official language, is spoken everywhere and by everyone. Yes, there's a small percentage of local dialects, but the share is so insignificant that you will find no profit trying to come up with creatives in them.

Despite the proximity to the USA and the juxtaposition of the border, Mexico does not pay in dollars. They have a currency: Mexican Peso, or MXN, which roughly equals $0,05. The average income in Mexico reaches $600 monthly.

Recognizing the Sources

There's a variety of sources in Mexico, but the real El Dorado is hiding within several options:

  • Google with its ecosystem (YouTube included);

  • Meta networks (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp);

  • Yahoo!Mexico;

  • Twitter;

  • TikTok

While these are more or less obvious and work on many GEOs, you should never forget about oh-so-spicy portals. Yes, we're speaking about adult websites, xnxx, or xvideos. Mexicans are Catholics, at least 77% are, but it doesn't make them unnecessarily prudish: adult offers have all the chances to score a hit.

Speaking of hits, do not go heavy on the commonplace same old song: social networks and search advertising show themselves, and the results are fabulous, but push notifications and teaser networks can surpass the initial success and bring in even more profit, unaccounted for and yet so desired.

Unfortunately, you can't just type a 'motherlode' cheat code in a space bar at the top of the screen and wait a few seconds until your bank account gets another grand. You'll have to dedicate your time to tedious, plodding activities such as reading the news, scrolling through endless newsfeeds, and scooping ideas for your future (pre)landing pages. We're here to save you some time, so feel free to use these two treasure maps: Debate (a Mexican newspaper, quite popular with the locals) and Terra Mexico (a news portal that may come in handy).

Pique My Nutra-osity

What do we actually know about Mexico? Is there something we immediately imagine hearing the tangy word 'Mexico' grazing across our ears?

The answer is at the tip of your fingers: colors. Colors, flamboyance, diversity, good cheer, holidays, parties, life in all its glory!.. Mexicans are bright people; they radiate health and robustness, and they always want to steal the scene and flirt around. So, let us roughly outline Nutra offers that may be in high demand in Mexico:

  • Sexual potency;
  • Penis enlargement;
  • Sex prolongation;
  • Men's health, prostatitis;
  • Weight loss;
  • Skincare products.

As monthly income often fails to cover the basic needs, and medicine level in rural areas and towns leaves much to be desired, bad hygiene comes to the foreground, posing a real threat to health as a concept. Parasites and fungi are plaguing the country, and people are looking for remedies to get rid of them.

Another problem faced by the Mexican population is demographic aging: more than 60% of all the people living in the country are older than 35 years, so we can safely assume that the following offers may succeed:

  • ypertension;
  • Joints;
  • Diabetes;
  • Anti-aging.

Creos Comin' Right Up

In fact, most of the methods applied to creatives are common for many countries, but there are always peculiarities that highlight your offer and make it publicly attractive. With Mexico, your strategy might include:

  • Benefits. Feel free to disclose information about discounts, bonuses, (pre)landing roulettes, and other tricks that can induce a person to buy something from you.
  • Delivery service. Another great feature that can work to your advantage. If the advertiser can deliver the product in a short period of time, don't be shy and mention it in your creatives. Sometimes it can be the critical factor the customer was looking for.
  • Free delivery. As you can see, delivery service is a trump card leading you to win. Make sure you put this info in the creo, and people will examine your offer with undivided attention.
  • Reviews. As we've already stated somewhere at the beginning of the article, Mexicans are fastidious when it comes to comments. They attentively read reviews before buying things. So, check if all the comments were written by real people, as in this case, such negligence can ruin your whole campaign.
  • Results. Who doesn't want an immediate result reflected in the mirror in the bathroom? Evidently, everyone, but with Mexicans, this is a whole new level, so accentuate how little time it takes to reach the desired result. Let us illustrate the example: one of the most popular search queries was how to lose weight within a week. Unbelievable, huh?

The tips above were a mere warmup, and now we're switching to the real thing: recommendations regarding the content of the prospective creos.

  • Sports. While exercising can be a big no-no, despite a lack of motivation to actually do sports, Mexicans love watching it, especially when it comes to football. Many of them are passionate fans, if not completely obsessed.
  • Patriotism. Mexico may or may not be the best country in the world, but the citizens truly adore it: they are proud of their culture and origins, and the feeling of belonging is extremely important to them.
  • Family. If you know anything about Mexican culture, this is probably a stereotype about big families and the strong bonds within those families. Well, this is not a stereotype: Mexicans love and respect mothers, adore children and are not afraid to demonstrate their affection.
  • Entertainment. You no doubt heard about Día de los Muertos, November 1 and 2, the holiday celebrated throughout the country. While this is the most eminent one, depicted in movies and television, you should probably broaden your horizons and learn a couple of things about Quinceañera, another popular holiday: the day when girls turn 15.
  • Laughter. Mexicans are funny people. Even if life is hard and unfair, they still manage to find reasons to smile and remain positive. Thus: memes and fun videos are trending!

We often speak about what you should use in creos, but not often do we say what should be omitted. In Mexico-oriented creatives, avoid cats: old superstitions claim that cats, their photos, or pictures are a bad sign.

Freshen Up the Offers

Now, finally, something you've been waiting for: great offers for Mexico.

1. Vormixil [MX] — parasiticides

APR: 25%

Price: 749 MXN | Stake: 15 USD

2. Keto Slim [MX] — diet pills

Price: 749 MXN | Stake: 13 USD

3. ALFA-LOVER PLUS [MX] — virility

APR: 24%

Price: 749 MXN | Stake: 13 USD

4. NOVADERMIKA [MX] — anti-aging cream

APR: 30%

Price: 899 MXN | Stake: 15 USD

5. Maximizer [MX] — virility, penis enlargement

APR: 20%

Price: 790 MXN | Stake: 8.5 USD

6. LongeX [MX] — virility, penis enlargement

Price: 790 MXN | Stake: 8.5 USD


It's always beneficial to work with Nutra, especially if you're dealing with Mexico. People here are active online customers interested in health and diet improvement. The offers we have enumerated on the list will certainly help them solve their problems while you can make money on it, so… be brave and hurry up! Time to set up for a test!

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