Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 17.05.2024

Launch your CC Submit Campaign NOW

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 17.05.2024
11 min

Sweepstakes always attract the attention of affiliates dealing with all types of products because this category of offers does not require an exorbitant sum of money to be spent on the user's part. The payouts for the lead, however, remain consistently high. From this article, you will find out how to work with one of the most profitable sweepstakes with the target action that implies bank card confirmation.

Meet CC Submit offers.

What is CC Submit

Before we switch to CC Submit affiliate programs and discuss CC Submit campaigns, let’s give the term a proper definition for a better, clearer understanding.

First, we shall decipher CC Submit. If we want to get rid of the annoying abbreviation, we will get a comprehensible Credit Card Submit term, which probably explains the essence of the entire undertaking. But we will not leave it at that and expand a trifle more.

CC Submit, or, as we've previously stated, Credit Card Submit, is the type of offer where conversion is only considered counted when the user enters their credit card information in the form or on the landing page. As a result, he or she pays a small sum of money: approximately two dollars get written off from the card.

These Credit Card Submit Offers, or CC Submit offers, if you will, provide a lottery of expensive technologies for $1 or subscriptions to the services with a small price for the trial period.

The conversion is complete when this one dollar is written off from the user's card.

CC Submit principle
CC Submit principle

In short, to turn into a lead, users must confirm their participation in a giveaway or sweepstake or sign up for a trial period of a paid subscription to an information resource, for example, an online cinema portal or a music service.

Dyson Airwrap Offer
Dyson Airwrap Offer

As expected, competition in the niche of sweepstakes remains consistently high. This might mean that beginners who have just started their way in the affiliate marketing industry and have just learned the basics that drive them to stable income and relative success may not be able to conquer Tier-1 regions notable for their high payouts. Tier-3 countries are a better target in this case, as even specialists who do not dedicate their entire lives to the digital business can easily master that option.

Traffic sources for Dyson Airwrap offers
Traffic sources for Dyson Airwrap offers

One of the hallmarks one should take into consideration while working with sweepstakes is a loyal attitude to many traffic sources. When we say many, this is indeed what we imply. If you wonder what it means, let us push aside the curtain: you can now openly resort to doorways. Yes, the doorways that are often prohibited in affiliate programs. At the same time, however, CC submit offers require some kind of payment. As a result, the many sources highlighted above will show low conversion rates. Another complication you have to face while working with sweepstakes is that you always have to explain to the target audience why users should leave their bank card info and how it can be profitable for them.

CC Submit Geography

Now, a few words on GEOs you should or should not choose in this niche. As a rule, they all have a set of peculiarities you should be aware of before you make the crucial decision which option to choose.

Let's start with the most obvious one, Tier 1.

Tier 1 countries are predictably difficult to deal with. Obviously, they do provide more money per lead. However, the unbearably high competition tends to expunge weak teams and solo affiliates who hoped to scrape up a fortune in a matter of seconds. In these regions, users are financially savvy; they perfectly understand that it is highly unlikely to win an expensive prize by spending $1, and the probability of such an occasion tends towards zero.

Affiliates must be able to set up their targeting at a high level in order to gain profit in Tier 1 countries. If you are not intimidated by the problems you will encounter in these regions, try Scandinavia: this area has the best performance.

Affiliates who look into Tier 2 should keep their eye on Eastern Europe. However, there's a general trend to be acknowledged: these GEOs require a good warming-up session. Only after that can the audience be directed to the landing page. As you can conclude, it means that you should provide high-quality creatives and pre-landing pages.

Tier 3 countries are famous for one peculiar feature: even weak creatives that performed fine a decade ago show good results. At the same time, card payment culture is slowly developing, leaving much to be desired: it remains in its initial stages. That leads to another problem: the targeted audience in this GEO might lack bank cards as a concept, so consider each offer carefully, studying the country and the consumption culture. There's an additional perk though: the low cost of traffic allows you to pay off even with small payments relative to other regions.

Traffic Sources

Traffic sources for CC submit offers may vary, however, the highest conversion comes from the following ones.

  • Facebook. The advertising prices on this social media platform are already high, and CC Submit offers in advertising are prohibited, which makes the option suitable only for experienced affiliate marketers in Tier 1 and Tier 2, where payments can cover the costs of constant use of cloaking.
  • TikTok. One of the best traffic sources, which shows an excellent conversion rate in most GEOs.
  • Push notifications. This traffic source remains one of the best-converting types in CC Submit. They work in all GEOs without limit, providing cheap traffic with good coverage. Advertising networks are quite loyal to creatives, so you just need to carefully read their requirements to pass moderation. Push notifications are incredibly popular, so in some GEOs, the competition in this source can be huge.
  • Pop-Ups. Just like the previous option, they provide cheap traffic, but the omnipresent bots may downgrade the results. So, if you do not have any experience with the source, be careful. Dedicate your undivided attention to the reviews of the advertising network. When you come across only a few comments touching upon the subject of the network of your potential choice, you'd better switch to something else, as this seems suspicious and ambiguous.
  • E-mail newsletters. This traffic source never fails to provide exciting conversion results, but here's the trick: it's hard to collect or buy a decent database that has not yet been squeezed dry. If possible, use your own bases you collected while working with other offers or traffic sources.

Get to Work

The principle behind CC Submit offers is quite simple. Use creatives to attract user attention and push them to the pre-lander, where you explain to the customer the benefits of the giveaway or trial subscription. Simultaneously, you can employ mini-games and quizzes to warm up the audience and get them captured. Only then can you provide additional data.

If the process remains as seamless and smooth as you expected, the user goes to the landing page, leaves their card details, and confirms them via SMS. This is when the affiliate gets a counted lead.

One of the main conditions for success is that the pre-lander must not deceive or mislead the audience.


Advantages & Disadvantages

Anyone involved in CC Submit offers knows that this is exactly the option that allows you to work with high payouts in a niche where every participant gets their own benefit.

  1. Users can win a prize they may have been dreaming of for quite a while, and in some cases, they may buy a subscription to a wonderful service they didn't know they needed.
  2. Advertisers, as expected, receive a user.
  3. As for affiliates, they receive the payment they intended to get.

In this niche, you don't normally put much thought and effort into creative production, and the traffic collection doesn't require much energy, since classic approaches still work in sweepstakes perfectly well.

  • Wheel of Fortune and its various interpretations. This is a game where you make it look like something depends on a person’s actions;
  • Surprises are messages promising a possible reward, so the user clings to the chance to receive this reward;
  • A direct offer to participate in a giveaway or subscribe to a portal. More often than not, such offers promise a guaranteed additional prize if you win.

As for the disadvantages of CC Submit offers, they are quite obvious. First, sweepstakes as a vertical are a highly competitive niche, so GEOs with decent payouts require a creative approach, and advertising traffic in these regions is more expensive than you might expect.

Second, if you work with Tier 3, you have to keep in mind that residents of this country do not always have bank cards in their possession. And that applies to the majority of the entire population.

Wrapping Up

The summary of the article is pretty neat. The target audience in many GEOs may seem overheated, and the competition in the niche might repel affiliates who are not confident enough to win the race. However, despite these two factors, sweepstakes with CC Submit nevertheless remain an attractive vertical for both newbies and experts eager to make real money.

As for the future prospects, it is more likely to turn into an affiliate migration: the process when affiliate marketing specialists switch to Tier 2 and Tier 3 options, developing already tough competition in the GEO. At the same time, Tier 1 countries will only welcome experienced teams: they will be the only ones to survive and earn money.

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