Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 14.08.2024

Ultimate Guide to Facebook Pixel for Digital Marketers

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 14.08.2024
16 min

As Facebook’s user base continues to expand, it remains a favourite platform for marketers and advertisers of all sizes, from large corporations to small-scale artisans and crafters. However, with the rising costs of promotion, it’s crucial to maximise your advertising efforts.

Enter the Facebook Pixel: an all-mighty tool designed to enhance your ad performance. In this guide, we’ll explore what the Facebook Pixel is, its numerous benefits, how to create and install it, integrate it with other platforms, and master its targeting options to ensure you get the most out of your advertising campaigns. Buckle up and let's go!

What is Facebook Pixel?

The Facebook Pixel is a snippet of JavaScript code that you can embed on your website. This tool provides valuable analytics by tracking users’ interactions with your ads and their subsequent actions on your site. It helps you understand how effective your ads are and optimise them for better performance.

Setting up the Facebook Pixel is straightforward and completely free, making it an essential asset for any digital marketer looking to improve their advertising strategies.

The Evolution: Meta Pixel

In February 2022, the Facebook Pixel was rebranded as the Meta Pixel. This update reflects its expanded functionality, allowing it to be used for both Facebook and Instagram advertising and providing a unified tool for tracking and optimising ad performance across Meta’s platforms.

Benefits of Facebook Pixel

Let’s discover the numerous advantages of incorporating the Facebook Pixel into your digital marketing strategy. From enhanced ad targeting to insightful analytics, this tool offers a range of benefits that can significantly boost your advertising effectiveness.


The Facebook Pixel excels at remarketing, allowing you to reconnect with customers who have previously visited your website. By tracking users’ interactions, the Pixel enables you to show targeted ads based on their specific actions, such as viewing a product or adding an item to their cart. This personalised approach increases the likelihood of conversions, as it reminds potential customers of their interest and encourages them to return and complete their purchase.

Imagine you run an online store that sells handmade jewellery. A potential customer visits your website after clicking on one of your Facebook ads. They browse through several items and add a beautiful handcrafted necklace to their cart but leave the site without completing the purchase.

With the Facebook Pixel installed, you can track this customer’s actions. Later, when they return to Facebook, they see an ad featuring the exact necklace they were interested in, along with a special discount offer.

This is how remarketing with the Facebook Pixel works, helping you drive more sales by re-engaging interested customers.

Ad and Campaign Optimization

The Facebook Pixel provides useful insights that help you optimise your advertising efforts for better performance and efficiency.

  • Collect Key Performance Metrics. Gather essential data on user interactions with your website, such as page views, add-to-cart actions, and purchases. Analysing these metrics helps you identify which ads drive the most valuable actions.

  • Pause Ineffective Campaigns. Identify underperforming campaigns using the data collected by the Facebook Pixel. Pause ads that aren’t delivering desired results to prevent budget wastage.

  • Refine Ad Messaging. Use insights from the Pixel to understand what resonates with your audience. Adjust your ad messaging to better align with user preferences and behaviours, improving engagement and conversion rates.

  • Redirect Budget to Top-Performing Ads. Allocate more of your budget to successful campaigns identified through performance data. This ensures efficient use of your advertising spend, maximising your return on investment (ROI).

Let’s say, you own an online store selling eco-friendly water bottles. You launch two ad campaigns for the same product: one focuses on technical specifications, and the other highlights lifestyle benefits. Facebook Pixel data shows that the lifestyle ad leads to more purchases. Users are more engaged with the visual storytelling and emotional appeal. Based on these insights, you pause the technical ad, refine your strategy to emphasise lifestyle benefits, and allocate more budget to the successful ad.

Conversion Performance Tracking

Facebook Pixel’s conversion performance tracking helps marketers understand which ads and campaigns drive desired actions, such as purchases or sign-ups. By embedding the Facebook Pixel code on their website, marketers can track user interactions and link them back to specific ads. The following data aids in measuring the effectiveness of campaigns, optimising ad spend, and improving overall marketing efficiency. This precise tracking and optimization capability make Facebook Pixel an essential component of data-driven marketing strategies.

Consider a scenario where you run several Facebook campaigns promoting various home improvement products. Facebook Pixel data reveals that the “smart thermostat” campaign has a high conversion-to-sales rate, while the “garden lighting” campaign has seen no sales since its launch. Given that you’re targeting users in the Pacific Northwest during a rainy season, you realise that people are more interested in indoor comfort solutions. Consequently, you decide to pause the “garden lighting” campaign until the weather improves.

Reaching New Customers

Facebook Pixel helps marketers reach new customers by enabling the creation of lookalike audiences. This feature identifies users who share similar characteristics with your best customers, such as demographics, interests, and behaviours. By targeting these lookalike audiences, businesses can expand their reach to potential customers who are more likely to be interested in their products or services. This approach not only enhances the efficiency of marketing campaigns but also increases the likelihood of attracting high-quality leads and driving conversions.

As mentioned earlier, after pausing your “garden lighting” campaign during the rainy season in the Pacific Northwest, you decide to leverage the data from your successful “smart thermostat” campaign. By creating a lookalike audience based on the customers who purchased smart thermostats, you can target users with similar characteristics. You then show this new audience ads for garden lighting, anticipating higher engagement and conversions as the weather forecast looks more promising.

How to Create a Facebook Pixel

Creating a Facebook Pixel is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to get you started:

  1. Log into Facebook Business Manager: Start by logging into your Facebook Business Manager account. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to create it.
  2. Navigate to Events Manager: Once logged in, look for the menu on the left-hand side. Click on “Events Manager” to proceed.
  3. Create a Pixel: In the Events Manager, you’ll see an option to “Connect Data Sources.” Click on this button and select “Web” from the options provided. Then, click “Connect.”
  4. Name Your Pixel: You’ll be prompted to name your Pixel. Choose a name that clearly identifies the Pixel’s purpose or the website it will be associated with. Enter your website URL if prompted. This helps in organising and managing multiple Pixels if you have more than one.
  5. Click Create: After naming your Pixel and entering your website URL, click the “Create Pixel” button to finalise this step.

Following these steps will set up your Facebook Pixel, preparing it for installation on your website.

Installing Facebook Pixel Code

There are two main methods to install the Facebook Pixel code on your website: manual installation and using Google Tag Manager.

Below are the detailed instructions for each method.

Manual Installation

1. Add the Pixel Code to Your Website:

  • Copy the pixel base code provided.

  • Paste the code into the header section of your website. This is typically found in the <head> section of your HTML code.

  • If you are using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, you can add the code through the theme settings or by using a plugin that allows you to insert code into the header.

2. Verify Your Pixel:

  • Return to the Events Manager and click “Continue”.
  • Use the Facebook Pixel Helper extension for Chrome to ensure your pixel is working correctly. This tool will help you verify that the pixel is firing on your website.

3. Set Up Events:

  • In the Events Manager, click on “Add Events” and choose “From the Pixel”.
  • Follow the instructions to set up standard events (like purchases or sign-ups) by adding additional code snippets to the relevant pages on your website.

Using Google Tag Manager

1. Set Up Google Tag Manager:

  • Log in to your Google Tag Manager account.
  • Select the container for your website or create a new one if you haven’t already.

2. Add a New Tag:

  • In Google Tag Manager, click on “Add a new tag”.
  • Choose “Tag Configuration” and select “Custom HTML”.
  • Paste the Facebook Pixel base code into the HTML field.

3. Set Up a Trigger:

  • Click on “Triggering” and choose “All Pages” to ensure the pixel fires on every page of your website.
  • Save your tag and publish your container.

4. Verify Your Pixel:

  • Return to the Events Manager and click “Continue”.
  • Use the Facebook Pixel Helper extension for Chrome to make sure that your pixel is working correctly.

5. Set Up Events:

  • In the Events Manager, click on “Add Events” and choose “From the Pixel”.
  • Follow the instructions to set up standard events by adding additional tags and triggers in Google Tag Manager.

These steps should help you install the Facebook Pixel code manually or using Google Tag Manager. If you need more detailed instructions, you can refer to the Facebook Business Help Center.

Integration with Platforms (Shopify, Squarespace, WordPress, Wix)

If you want to opt for partner integration, here are concise step-by-step guides on how to add the Facebook Pixel to various platforms.


  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Go to “Online Store” > “Preferences”.
  3. Scroll down to the “Facebook Pixel” section.
  4. Enter your Facebook Pixel ID.
  5. Click “Save”.


  1. Log in to your Squarespace account.
  2. Go to “Settings” > “Advanced” > “Code Injection”.
  3. In the “Header” section, paste your Facebook Pixel code.
  4. Click “Save”.


  1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Install and activate the “Insert Headers and Footers” plugin.
  3. Go to “Settings” > “Insert Headers and Footers”.
  4. Paste your Facebook Pixel code into the “Scripts in Header” box.
  5. Click “Save”.


  1. Log in to your Wix account.
  2. Go to “Marketing & SEO” > “Marketing Integrations”.
  3. Select “Facebook Pixel”.
  4. Click “Connect” and enter your Facebook Pixel ID.
  5. Click “Save”.

Facebook Pixel’s Targeting Options

Facebook Pixel provides key features to enhance your return on investment by offering precise targeting options.

Custom Audiences from Your Website

Creating custom audiences with Facebook Pixel involves tracking certain visitor behaviours on your website, such as scroll depth, time spent on a page, and pages visited. To begin, go to the Events Manager in Facebook Business Suite, select your pixel, and define the parameters for your custom audience. This feature lets you retarget leads who have shown interest in your products, thereby increasing the chance for sales.

Custom Conversions

Custom conversions enable you to track desired actions that are valuable to your business, such as completing a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or visiting a thank-you page. To create custom conversions, go to the Events Manager, choose “Custom Conversions,” and define the URL or event that signifies a conversion. This feature helps you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and optimise them for better results.

Standard and Custom Events

Facebook Pixel can track a variety of standard events, including page views, add-to-cart actions, and purchases. Additionally, you can set up custom events designed for your specific requirements, such as tracking video plays or form submissions. To create these, add the appropriate event code to your website’s HTML. This capability allows you to gather detailed insights into user interactions and refine your marketing strategies accordingly.

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads automatically display relevant positions from your catalogue to users depending on their past interactions with your website. To launch dynamic ads, you need to upload your product catalogue to Facebook and set up the pixel to track user actions. This feature ensures that your ads are highly personalised, improving engagement and conversion rates.


In today’s competitive market, using tools like Facebook Pixel is vital for maximising your advertising efforts. From analysing user behaviour to refining ad performance and targeting specific audiences, Facebook Pixel offers a comprehensive set of features that can significantly enhance your marketing strategy. By launching custom audiences, tracking conversions, and utilising dynamic ads, you can ensure your campaigns are both effective and efficient.

We encourage all marketers to explore the capabilities of Facebook Pixel and see firsthand how it can transform your advertising approach. Give it a try and watch your return on investment soar!


Is Meta Pixel Free?
Yes, the Meta Pixel is free to use. You can create and implement it on your website without any cost. However, you may incur costs if you use it in conjunction with paid advertising campaigns on Meta platforms.
How to Update Your Pixel (from Facebook to Meta)?
The name change from Facebook Pixel to Meta Pixel did not require any major updates. If you were already using the Facebook Pixel, it continues to function as before under the new name. Simply ensure that your Pixel code is correctly implemented on your website.
How do I Get a Meta Pixel?
To get a Meta Pixel, log in to your Meta Business Suite, go to Events Manager, and select “Connect Data Sources” followed by “Web.” Choose “Meta Pixel” and follow the setup instructions. Finally, copy the Pixel code and add it to your website.
What is Facebook Pixel ID?
The Facebook Pixel ID is a unique identifier for your Pixel. It is used to track and analyse the actions people take on your website. You can find your Pixel ID in the Meta Business Suite under “Events Manager” by selecting your Pixel.

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