Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 22.05.2024

Get Down to Business with Instagram Landing Pages

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 22.05.2024
15 min

Social networks are an integral part of promotion: this is the place where you can find users willing to pay money for a quality service or product. However, many beginners still find themselves at a loss when it comes to advertising, and the outcome is predictable: they splurge their budget on all the unnecessary features, and then, failing to comprehend the mistake, they are bound to witness low conversion rates. Disappointment at its finest.

In this article, we will unveil the mystery of a promotional trick known as Instagram lander. Read on to discover its types, areas of use, advantages, and creation options.

That's gonna be something.

What Is an Instagram Landing Page

Let’s start with the obvious: what is an Instagram landing page?

Instagram landers are separate profiles on Instagram that look like a one-pager. It is a photo, an image of a product, a brand, or a service divided into 6, 9, or 12 squares.

An Instagram landing page is created to attract customers to a specific category or product. This tool is extremely effective for promotion and increasing conversion. For this landing page, as for any other, you should select only high-quality images demonstrating these products from the best side.

If you are wondering who might need this, let us give you a profound answer: webmasters and business owners who want to sell their products independently by promoting their profiles on Instagram. Another category would be owners of selling websites that attract buyers from social networks.

IG developers simplified this task. You can add several high-quality photos and fill the empty squares with selling descriptions, characteristics, and reviews.


  • Fast and free.
  • A great way to stand out from the crowd.
  • An unlimited number of one-pagers for different products.
  • An immediate launch of an advertising campaign.
  • Trust from advertising networks.
  • Easy promotion processes compared to standard websites.
  • The convenience of working with the audience: no need to entice users to follow links to other sites.
  • Effective presentation of the product and description of its advantages.
  • Quickly achieved high conversion.

Instagram Landers Types

Instagram landers are divided into groups by their looks. Webmasters distinguish three categories. Let’s take a look at several Instagram landing page examples.


Square Lander
Square Lander

9 posts can make up a 3x3 landing page on Instagram. The only thing you need to write on the pics are headlines: all the necessary info goes directly into the description. That's how you combine the crucial details and an image in a single picture. If you try hard, you can even include a call to action.

However, the organic reach of such landing pages is extremely small, so you will have to buy advertising from bloggers or set up targeted advertising for the target audience.

Endless Wall Lander

Endless Wall Lander
Endless Wall Lander

Endless wall landings are... well, endless. They consist of an unlimited number of photos and contain more information, so webmasters add detailed descriptions and benefits of products. Such landing pages look unusual.

On endless one-pagers, organic traffic is often generated by frequent publication of new posts.


Commercial lander
Commercial lander

In this particular case, the header of the profile contains a product description, USP, call to action, company info, and a link to the website.

Each publication should exhibit the product, but the design and style of the post should be identical to other posts on the page. Do not forget to provide information about the product, including the price.

Such landers can get good organic reach. However, you will still need to use paid advertising since there will not be piles of orders coming from subscribers.

How to Make an Instagram Landing Page

If you were wondering how to create an Instagram landing page, this segment has been written for you.

Despite the apparent simplicity, Instagram lander creation is a peculiar process abounded with nuances you cannot ignore, otherwise they will slow down the process and make the final product less effective.

Think through the structure at the very beginning.

Fortuitously, marketers have already done this for us, supplying us with an Instagram landing page template everyone can use.

Visuals. A profile pic, icons, and photos. In a word, visuals contain images.


Information. Text content describing the benefits of a product, characteristics, objectives, and areas of application.


Pricing. The price tag is clearly stated here. Do not reply to a comment with the threadbare check your DMs! This scares the audience away, and the deal is not likely to happen. The buyer wants to receive all the information about the product here and now.


Persuasion. Whenever possible, add reviews from satisfied customers, advantages over competitors, warranty policy info, quality certificates, etc. The main goal of this block is to finally convince the user that they cannot do without this product anymore, and they must buy it from you.

Whatever visual you choose later, consider the following recommendations:

  • Instagram landing pages should serve only ONE goal. If you want to get multiple targeted actions from the user, this will be much harder to accomplish: there are simply not many users inclined to subscribe, buy, and recommend your product to friends and colleagues.
  • A call to action is necessary as your goal must be clearly stated. The fair play principle is important: people should know where they are and what the seller asks them to do.
  • There is no place for personal photographs on the sales page, so do not post your everyday life pictures there. This immediately turns off all buyers.
  • Fast response is essential for successful sales. You should always be ready to quickly respond to the buyer's message. Therefore, set the maximum number of notifications and cover the last objections and doubts of the audience with clear answers.

Time to make your Instagram landing page extremely successful. Read on to learn the best tricks.

Choosing the Pic

Before you dart headfirst into the making, check if you are well acquainted with all the requirements for a successful lander. First, find the photo of the right size: there are a few basic rules to follow.

  1. Pick an image that can be easily divided into several squares, not rectangles. If you neglect this, Instagram will automatically shrink the pictures on the sides, and part of the product you're promoting will be hidden, metaphorically speaking, behind the curtains, and the integrity of the picture will be compromised.
  2. No need to break it into large squares. If you prepare 1920x1920 images, Instagram will demonstrate them as tiles. The best option is to use a 640x640 photo.
  3. Set the correct raw file size. The width should always be 1920 (so that it can be divided into three equal squares of 640 pixels), and if we speak about the endless wall, the height should be divided by 640 without a remainder.


In this case, the drawing process implies image creation from scratch in vector or raster graphics. The design you're making should be unique and correspond with your offer.

To draw an image from scratch, you can use the good ol' Adobe Photoshop or simpler but just as powerful tools, such as Canva or Crello. If you want to simplify further, delegate the task to designers: it will help you save a significant amount of time and effort.

Those completely unaware of the drawing processes can try out a ready-made template and customize it.

Top Tools

The Internet is abrim with exclusive tools, so let's check out the most functional ones.



Vistacreate is an online image editor that helps you create a beautiful post for your website or social media profile. The developers have organized a library of ready-made templates and photo frames to make it easier to create your own project. All basic features are provided free of charge.



A free service that allows you to cut a picture into several fragments to create a square format. The user interface is intuitive.

Grid Post

Promo material
Promo material

Grid Post is an iOS mobile application for creating photo grids. The built-in functionality works flawlessly; the developers have made the interface concise and precise.



Freepik is a high-quality photo editor for creating landing pages. The developers give recommendations so beginners will not make a single mistake. The library is filled with templates for the simplified creation of your own projects. The user interface is simple and understandable.



Canva is a popular online service that can probably do anything. The developers have added an extensive library of ready-made templates to make it easier and faster for users to create a commercial creo.

Instagram Landing Pages Examples

Endless wall lander
Endless wall lander

Let's take a look at this endless landing. People usually choose this format to post portfolios or other related information without restrictions and to maintain the integrity of the profile. This landing page attracts attention for the following reasons:

  • The header clearly states the experience and contains the necessary link to free material;
  • The main menu is regularly updated with new reviews and contact information;
  • The feed consists of both service details and engaging posts.

This is a sure way to gain recognition among the target audience. The specialist provides competition and workshops, harmoniously combining everything with the overall design of the selling profile.

The only controversial point that we were able to discover is the wide variety of colors in the header, stories, and posts. Everything is quite bright and catchy. An uninterested user will most likely simply not understand what is being offered to him and will pass by. Therefore, more work could be done on the visual design.

Then, we’re switching to another business profile.

Business profile
Business profile

The page contains all the information about the product and contacts a client might need to order a cake or consult with the baker. Each post has a visual accompaniment. There is also additional information in the form of buttons with links to current stories: reviews, knowledge base, food photos, and others. This block plays a persuasive role.

The details that users pay attention to are the uniform design style and color scheme, which harmoniously combine with the profile picture and story cover. Overall, an excellent example of thoughtful Instagram design.

Promoting Your Instagram Landings

There are two ways to promote a landing page on Instagram:

Method 1. Targeted advertising

Yes, this will require an advertising budget, but with the right approach, the result will not take long to arrive.

Advantages of targeting on Insta:

  • accurate hit to the target audience;
  • the ability to view statistics and performance daily to optimize your strategy;
  • high reach;
  • low cost compared to buying posts from bloggers or media.

Disadvantages of targeted advertising:

  • strict moderation requirements;
  • rapid burnout of the target audience.

Method 2. Mass following

Mass following is an even cheaper option. This is what the process looks like:

  1. The commercial profile owner examines the pages of other users and subscribes to them if the topic correlates with the promoted product.
  2. The user sees a subscription notification and goes to see who has subscribed to it.
  3. If they are interested in your profile, they make a mutual subscription.

Yes, you won’t be able to gain a lot of subscribers at once, but you can still gradually promote your landing. There are also applications on the Internet that automate the process, but you need to work with them carefully not to get banned.

Advantages of mass following:

  • the user receives active subscribers who have shown real interest in the profile;
  • high conversion (can reach 20%).

Disadvantages of mass following:

  • the risk of bans due to a large number of subscriptions appearing in a short time;
  • difficult to predict the client’s attitude towards those who engage in mass following.

Instagram landing pages are a unique advertising format that can be used to promote individual products and categories.


How quick are the results?
If you use mass following, you can’t count on quick results until you have a significant number of real subscribers. The process may take from several weeks to several months. If you invest heavily in targeted advertising, the process will go faster: in just a few weeks, you can significantly increase sales, provided that the portrait of your target audience is clearly developed.
Is it possible to update the landing page with new information?
If you stick to the endless wall lander, yes.
Is it possible to make a good landing page without special knowledge of Photoshop?
Of course, there are a lot of intuitive services on the Internet with ready-made templates. Moreover, the developers also tried to create convenient applications for the smartphone. Therefore, to create an Instagram landing, you don't have to gain practical skills in Photoshop.

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