Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 27.06.2023

How to Drive Traffic in the Finance Niche Using Showcase Websites

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 27.06.2023
13 min

Those who have been in the business for a long time have probably heard the term showcases more than once. Actually, even if you're a mere beginner, you're most likely aware of such websites, and you possibly use them every now and then as they prove to be a wonderful affiliate marketing tool working to your advantage. Generally speaking, showcase websites are catalogs that contain lists of offers, and when it comes to the finance niche, this is a perfect way to start.

Showcase websites are the topic of our today's discussion. In this article, we will try to find out why they work so well, what tools and services affiliates may need to build them from scratch, what complications may pop up, and which promotion methods and techniques should be adopted to reach the goals. To back up the statements, we have consulted the leading affiliate manager working for one of the best financial affiliate programs Leadbit Finance, Vyacheslav. All is ready, all is done, so grab a snack and satisfy your physical and intellectual hunger.

Showcase Websites Are Perfect for Financial Offers Promotion

As long as financial offers are concerned, showcase websites are the best option one can think of. We could draw up a list of reasons, but one would be enough: they require minimal investment. Leadbit Finance, for example, has a showcase builder, so you don't have to splash your cash on the design and further development, but even if you're dying to bring your own showcase project to life, it won't cost as much as other website types.

Vyacheslav, tell us about your showcase builder.

We can tailor a showcase for you. Talk to the manager, and there you are, enjoying the website and analytics tools integrated into it. Then, the manager and the affiliate monitor the performance of the showcase together. In addition, you can attach any domain of yours. Showcases are currently available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. If you need a showcase to start, let us know :)

Then, consider the main feature of showcase websites: you can promote dozens of offers at a time. Thus, your promotion costs in this situation will be the same as in the campaign with only one offer. In terms of profit, showcases are far more beneficial: you can get the most out of your target audience for the same price.

Which offers work best if promoted on showcase websites?

Depends on the GEO. Actually, all financial offers work well if promoted on showcases. Here's what comes to mind:


VAYVND (CPA) — $17

  • EPC — $0,33

  • Conversion — 1,93%

MoneyCat (CPA) — $13,5

  • EPC — $0,45

  • Conversion — 2,95%

Crezu (CPL) — $1,3

  • EPC — $0,28

  • Conversion — 14,34%

The Philippines:


  • EPC — $0,34

  • Conversion — 26,72%

Digido (CPA) — $26

  • EPC — $0,34

  • Conversion — 4,34%


  • EPC — $0,29

  • Conversion — 19,55%



  • EPC — $0,22

  • Conversion — 9,17%


VIVUS (CPA) — $8

  • EPC — $0,34

  • Conversion — 3,67%

*Please note: the rates mentioned above are increased. If you want to use the rates indicated above, not the default ones, contact Vyacheslav and be sure to say that you have read about the increased rates on Traffic Cardinal.

Finally, showcases can personalize offer lists. Technically, one showcase can promote offers for various regions and particular GEOs, thus increasing the chances of conversion.

Can all your offers be promoted on showcases?

All our offers can be promoted on showcase websites. Not only can they be promoted like this, but they should be promoted this way: this is one of the most common tools of the niche, so to ban it would imply immediate backlash, that is, impracticality.

Various offers in one showcase
Various offers in one showcase

Building Your Showcase

There are four ways to create a showcase for the finance niche:

  • Use an affiliate network builder.

  • Choose a public showcase builder.

  • Order a showcase development.

  • Create a showcase with your own hands.

All the methods have pros and cons. Now it's time to investigate them.

Do you have an API for showcase websites?

Nope. For the time being, we do not provide a generally accessible API for advertisers.

Affiliate Network Builder

This is perhaps the most reliable and easiest way that suits most beginners and those specialists who work with one affiliate program. As a rule, showcase builders provided by affiliate networks are already tailored to the specifics of the finance niche.


  • Minimum labor costs.

  • Acknowledge trends and behavioral patterns of the target audience.

  • Tried and tested by other specialists.

  • Impeccably localized.

  • Easily integrated with CRM, trackers, and other affiliate marketing tools.


  • Offers from other affiliate programs will not be added.

  • Poor design options.

  • Dependency on the affiliate program developers due to possible changes of moderation rules on the platform.

Is it possible to do a makeover of your showcases in the builder?

It is. Text your manager and discuss your expectations. Then, draw up a list of requirements, and the task will be accomplished within 1-3 days. However, we do not provide access to the source code for the obvious reasons.

Showcase Builder (not Leadbit Finance)
Showcase Builder (not Leadbit Finance)

Public Showcase Builder

This method is used by experienced webmasters and experts working with several affiliate programs.


  • More flexibility than in affiliate program builders.

  • Tons of readymade templates.

  • Easier to adapt to advertising platform moderators.


  • Most functions are not available for free.

  • Typically, such showcases are too heavy for browsers and require additional optimization to speed up loading.

  • If you want to add another tool, you'll have to do some fancy footwork.

Public Showcase Builder Interface
Public Showcase Builder Interface

Are there ways to convince decliners to do the target action?

I wouldn't say it's a popular approach, but some affiliates build a (pre)lander before the showcase. Users fill in a questionnaire, leaving their email address or phone number, and then this information can be used for newsletters. Don't forget to add new offers at each iteration of retargeting. There's no point in showing the user the same options ten times in a row. Also, be sure to require personal data processing consent to avoid misunderstandings.

Order Showcase Development

Those who have some money in their pocket and plan to scale up the project in the foreseeable future, typically order a showcase website development.


  • Complete discretion.

  • Easier to adapt to advertising platforms moderators.


  • Prepare a clear, comprehensible list of requirements for programmers.

  • Expensive.

  • You will have to pay for each update separately.

  • Potential malfunctions in case you work with different programmers.

Do showcases suit all GEOs, or are there countries where they cannot be used?

It is safe to say that showcases can be used anywhere, at least in the finance niche. Still, they work best in the Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico, and Columbia.

If you're curious:

Create a Showcase Yourself

If you're a hardcore fan of coding and no stranger to creative ambitions, this option is just for you. Technically, there's nothing particularly compelling or complex about it, but if you've never done anything like this before, switch to a technique you're better familiar with.


  • Complete discretion.

  • Shareware method.

  • Easier to adapt to advertising platforms moderators.


  • The most time-consuming of the methods;

  • Serious security risks if you do not have the proper experience.

Promoting Financial Showcases

That's all you should know about the general idea of showcase websites, and now we can switch to promotion strategies, but before that: let us say a few words on the launch of a showcase website.

Launching Your Showcase Website

The process is quite simple:

  1. Buy a domain name.
  2. Buy hosting.
  3. Link the domain to hosting.
  4. Create a showcase in any way that suits you.
  5. Adjust it to your requirements. Install trackers, add offers, set up cloaking, etc.
  6. Drive traffic to the showcase (promote it).

Best Ways to Promote Your Showcase

Almost any promotion campaign will do, and almost any method fits the bill. The obvious SEO, newsletter, banners, native advertising on thematic sources — you can do whatever. Below you can find the best ways to promote showcase websites for the finance niche in descending order of their efficiency.

How do you hype up showcases, apart from the usual SEO approach? Which technique works best?

It depends. From what I see, Google Discover and contextual advertising on Google and Facebook look most perspective. Social media platforms are good, too: they are linked to (pre)landing pages, and then customers get directed to the showcase itself. But this is general statistics. If we focus on individual cases, almost any promotion strategy gives the desired results.

  • SEO-optimization. It can promote most websites, and showcases are not an exception. Search engine optimization is extremely effective, but keep in mind the labor costs. Beginners should investigate the SEO options, but in the early stages of their careers, they can resort to more accessible strategies. Eventually, SEO gives excellent results, which, in the end, boosts the traffic flow. Later, if your SEO keeps improving, you can stop buying ads. By the way, showcases are not tied to the lifetime of specific offers, so the investment will pay off in the long run.

  • Contextual advertising. In opposition to the previous marketing technique, this method works perfectly in the short run. Lots of affiliates choose this option, so if you are not familiar with SEO at all, pursue this strategy.

  • Thematic sources (chats, media platforms, forums, etc.) The target audience of financial showcases consists of people who are already trying to borrow money. They are often active on thematic chats. Therefore, the conversion of this approach in finance is much higher than in other niches. Thematic platforms on social networks perform very well.

  • Newsletter. Another relatively inexpensive but effective way to promote showcases. All mailouts give results, but push notifications are the best.

  • Apps. Thanks to PWA and WebView, showcases can be promoted through ASO as apps, or you can use Facebook and Google. Turn to this method only if you are already working with ASO traffic, in other cases consider it another way to scale things up.

  • Rankings. It can be viewed as a part of SEO, but technically it has no relation to search engine optimization. You place your showcase in a showcase of showcases, which is already at the top of search results. It is normally quite expensive, but the result is almost instantaneous.

What about full-fledged financial sites? Do your webmasters use them?

Yes, a lot! Approximately 40% of all traffic, maybe even more, comes from them. These sources are highly valued by advertisers as this is good-quality traffic: the owners are often given super high rates. Still, it's important to clarify that the creation of such a site is a very time- and energy-consuming process, and this is where only experienced teams succeed. I would not advise beginners to focus on such ambitious projects as it is easier and faster to earn money via showcases.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, showcases are simpler than they seem. They give excellent results, and the finance niche itself offers additional perks. If you have questions regarding the topic, contact Vyacheslav: he will be happy to provide advice and create your own showcase using the Leadbit Finance showcase builder.

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