Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 28.01.2023

Influencer Traffic

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 28.01.2023
8 min

So, influencer traffic. This is the term you use to describe the traffic that drives from a blogger's account, primarily Instagram, to your offer. This blogger can be a real person or a fake, or you can even find an influencer, use the information from their bio, and create your own acc. To save yourself the trouble, you can hire a model who could play the part of the blogger, take dozens of beautiful photos and videos exhibiting their luxurious life (you know that you'll have to rent villas, cars, and apartments, right?). After everything's done, post the content on your social media accs and monetize the audience. That's all, folks!

Well, not exactly. You need to understand the mechanics better: the newly-created-from-scratch blogger gets promoted via Facebook ads or by other bloggers.

Pros & Cons

Let's cut to the chase and enumerate a list of benefits.

  1. That's a reliable traffic source, and you can directly influence your conversion rates. The better you warm up the audience as a blogger, the higher the trust (and conversion, might I add);
  2. It's possible to monetize one and the same audience repeatedly;
  3. Feel free to buy targeted traffic from other bloggers;
  4. If you fancy, you can buy Facebook ads, so bloggers are not the only advertising tool.

However, dealing with influencer traffic, always keep in mind several drawbacks that might get in your way:

  1. Fake bloggers are the plague of the 21st century, so before buying ads, analyze accounts and make sure you're about to make a real deal with quality traffic;
  2. Bloggers tend to overcharge, but not every influencer really knows the real price of their audience;
  3. The results, unfortunately, are not immediate: you have to cultivate the public image, build trust in the personality, and only then safely reap the benefits.

Choosing the Blogger

You can't just bump into an influencer and buy ads from them: scrutinize their content, paying attention to the most important bits.

Make sure that the audience is real. Check if the subscriber base is alive and functioning or how many bots there are among them.

Focus on the relevance and the age of the audience. If most subscribers attend school, you'll barely get the desirable result, especially if you direct the traffic to gambling or crypto.

Statistics is key. Bloggers must send you fresh statistics within 30 minutes after the reply, so they can't add a few more digits.

Don't forget the GEO. If you're planning to direct your traffic to Italy, seek a blogger with 90% of Italians in their audience. Always pick quality over number.

Ensure that the audience is active. Analyze the number of likes, comments, and followers. If the activity rate is too high or too low, either go into detail and peruse the blogger even further or, to err on the side of caution, choose another one.

Check when the activity reaches its peak. Inspect whether there are days and hours when posts get a higher response rate.

Read the comments. In fact, you can define which comments are fake just by reading them: if they're all positive and use the same vocabulary (e.g., 'cool,' 'perfect,' 'you look great,' etc.), that can be a case of fake engagement. Typically, people can express their, ahem, less pleasant emotions and certain opinions, so watch out: those are most likely real.

Sneak into other accounts. If a blogger's audience is not too vast, you can manually scan their audience. Fake accounts are easy to discern: they have no profile pics, no subscribers, or, on the contrary, many followers but no posts whatsoever. You won't get confused.

See if the blogger replies to their followers. Usually, they respond to some people below the post, but if they talk to everyone in the comment section, it becomes suspicious.

Delve deeper into the content. If the blogger's earlier posts represent their negative attitude towards making money online, and now you want to buy ads from that person to promote casinos and betting, well… you can predict the outcome, right? In short, you won't succeed.

Define the values of the audience. Each target audience has its own portrait with more or less common features. If you understand it, you can effectively turn its pains to your advantage.

Elaborate the scope of work. Don't be afraid to be too detailed here: bloggers lose no sleep over your assignment, and that's you who needs the result.

Use analytical services. There are several options if you want to analyze or find a blogger to your liking: trendHERO, HypeAuditor, FakeLikeInfo,, Getblogger & Epicstars.

By the way, here are some sсhticks to learn before buying ads from bloggers.

  1. Allocate the budget between several bloggers;
  2. Ask the blogger if someone ever bought ads of the same nature or in the same field. If yes, ask about the results.
  3. Buying ads from a famous influencer, split the fee into two parts: before and after the ad.

Consumables: Where to Start

You don't need much to launch your influencer affiliate marketing campaign.

  1. Get an anti-detect browser;
  2. Equip yourself with a proxy;
  3. Create an account on Facebook;
  4. Don't forget about Instagram.

And a little algorithm to stick to.

  • First off, decide whether you want to use a faceclaim of sorts and the information this real person posts on their feed or get a model to create a successful blogger;

  • Set up an IG account;

  • Post all types of content: photos, videos, stories;

  • Buy ads from other bloggers and from Facebook;

  • Warm up your audience depending on the niche;

  • Gradually add recommendations where you describe ways to make money, mentioning that more information can be claimed in the DMs.

  • Analyze the users and start the process of lead closure;

  • If the user ‘failed,’ work with objections.

You might be interested to know whether there are more recommendations regarding the traffic direction process. Yes, find them below.

  • Show how you use the product. If you demonstrate its functionality or explain how you make money on it, you will definitely increase awareness and, consequently, your conversion rates;

  • Promoting the product in several posts, always work with objections. The first post should introduce the product to the audience without instantly pushing the people to buy it;

  • Warm up the audience before the ad, and recommend the product or the service from the 2nd or the 3rd post.


Ah, that way to the lead you've been dreaming about, how long and thorny you can be! Luckily, influencer traffic gets you a trustworthy, stable client who will repeatedly buy products: you just have to increase awareness about the product, bring it to the foreground, and don't forget to stir interest. Influencer marketing works well for many reasons, but the main one is that traditional marketing has become dull, and people are fed up with humdrum and commonplace commercials. Hence, they crave a fresher approach. Hence, the recommendations from a person who really knows the drill: people prefer to trust someone's opinion instead of relying on the biased vision of a TV or online ad.

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