Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 11.09.2023

No Pain, no Gain: Investigating Weight Loss Offers

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 11.09.2023
21 min

Excess weight is a global problem. A lot of people want to lose weight, and many of them have one thing in common: they are eager to look fit, but they have no patience or desire to spend their time on training or putting effort into making their body a chiseled sculpture that can compare to Michelangelo's David or at least Henry Cavill. So what do these people do? Right, they surf the Internet, trying to find a magic pill, which eventually leads to more nutra offers appearing on the market.

However, good affiliate programs are still a catch that is not easy to find, and you may face certain difficulties but fear not: we've got your back! Read on to find detailed information on how to drive weight loss traffic, work with affiliate programs, and what rules to obey while dealing with cases and offers to get the maximum profit!

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs in this particular niche give you access to Nutra offers focusing on weight loss. If you have ever worked with them, you may have noticed a seasonal increase and decrease in the indicators, and this observation can be confirmed by the data provided by NutriProfits:

Popularity Dynamics on NutriProfits
Popularity Dynamics on NutriProfits

You don't have to be a genius of affiliate marketing to spot the demand. The peak is in June, the beginning of the beach season, so you'd better prepare the ground before the early summer, in May.

What's the Profit

There are a few reasons for the high profit you can get in this niche with this type of offers.

First, the Global Wellness Institute, an influential organization that conducts research in the field of health, claims that every year people steadily buy dietary supplements that help lose weight and improve health, worth about 5.5 billion dollars.

The second reason should be illustrated.

Take one of the most popular offers, capsules named Caralean. Here are the statistics for 2020:

Caralean Statistics, 2020
Caralean Statistics, 2020

As you can see from the bit of data above, the traffic for weight loss products demonstrates a high conversion, and demand is constantly growing.

Another reason is of perennial nature: excess weight and the problems related to this condition will always exist in all parts of the world, so the industry is bound to have a large financial turnover. Sounds like a perfect solution for those seeking profitable offers and wanting to buy weight loss traffic.

Ins & Outs

Weight loss-related affiliate programs have a list of peculiar features one should know to successfully work with them. Let's take a closer look at the most important ones: target audience, seasonality, and GEO.

Target Audience

80-90% of our target audience are women. The age group consists of 18-60 years olds, but it can be broken down into subcategories:

  • 18-25 y.o. Girls who want to get a tight, toned body to find their soulmate.

  • 25-35 y.o. Girls and women who already have children and/or husbands. They want to lose extra pounds after childbirth, maternity leave, or a sedentary lifestyle.

  • 35-60 y.o. Women whose main goal is to improve the body from the inside and lose weight correspondingly.

Each subgroup can bring a high conversion rate because women tend to achieve whatever goal they set. By the way, you should look for the cheapest GEO here to save up a little.


Weight loss is a relatively seasonal trend. Some may argue that there's a constant demand for such magic pills, and that's right, but the peak comes before the beach season, at the beginning of summer.

If you wonder when you should start testing your offers, choose May so you can prepare for the season in advance: study cases, draw up exceptional creatives, and analyze the market.


As long as GEO is concerned, keep in mind the mentality and social norms in the country of choice. For example, in Arab countries, women do not normally go swimming and party near a pool, so you should not promote weight loss products in these regions.

The most successful GEOs (TIER-1 countries):

  • France;

  • Belgium;

  • Great Britain;

  • Italy;

  • Canada;

  • Spain, etc.

TIER-2 countries can also be a great option: Greece, Egypt, and Turkey. Worth considering the following countries: Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus.

Anyways, before you start working with an affiliate program, analyze the financial situation in the region of choice. Residents in TIER-2 countries can pay $40-100 dollars for a weight loss product, but these prices may be exorbitantly high for the people from TIER-2 and TIER-3.

TOP Affiliate Programs

Let's scrutinize offers and affiliate programs for weight loss.


Slim4vit capsules
Slim4vit capsules

Slim4vit is a weight loss product with components that actively fight body intoxication, getting rid of bad cholesterol. The product cannot be delivered to the Canary and Balearic Islands. The paid goal is a confirmed order.


  • Austria;

  • Germany;

  • Italy;

  • Spain.


  • traffic can be driven from any source except for prohibited ones;

  • prohibited sources include spam transferred to any affiliate program.


  • minimum: $28;

  • maximum: $37.

Green Coffee Beans

Green Coffee Beans
Green Coffee Beans

100% natural coffee with a high content of chlorogen (a substance that helps to get disposed of accumulated fat in the body).


The whole world, except for Egypt, where you can use only landings and pre-landings that are already in the offer.


  • social network;

  • popup windows;

  • brokers;

  • teasers;

  • branded advertising.


  • minimum: $0,12;

  • maximum: $7,5.



The supplement reduces the level of PPAR protein in the body, so fats are broken down at the cellular level.


Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Thailand.


  • email distribution;

  • brokers;

  • sites;

  • doorways;

  • context;

  • teasers.


minimum: $0,05;

maximum: $10.

7 Slim Active

7 Slim Active
7 Slim Active

This is a good affiliate program and an offer in the weight loss niche: the product works by irisin, a hormone that removes toxins. The capsules cost 39 euros.


Peru, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Austria, Spain, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Russia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, and Poland.


  • websites;

  • email newsletters;

  • doorways;

  • social networks;

  • teasers;

  • targeting.

  • Gray methods (spam, incentivized traffic, etc.) are strictly forbidden.


  • minimum: $20;

  • maximum: $31.


If you're aiming to succeed and get maximum profit, you need to work out a systematic approach. We've got you covered, remember? So here's what we offer.

Working with Your Target Audience

As you can guess, there's a set of general rules for working with any target audience. In the weight loss niche, you stick to these obvious principles while parsing through the causes of the weight gain:

  • laziness;

  • sedentary lifestyle;

  • hard work;

  • junk food addiction;

  • emotional hunger;

  • disease, etc.

This list turns out to be a perfect ground for your future campaign.

Then, keep in mind the statistics: you do remember that it's usually girls and women who want to lose weight, right? It doesn't mean that men do not cherish the same idea; the thing is that the percentage of men in the niche is much lower, approximately 10-20%. The age gap is wide: people who want to lose weight are aged between 18 and 60, and each category needs its own approach.

Speaking about approaches, each target audience of each supplement reacts to a certain technique. For example, if we drive traffic to a remedy that helps lose weight, simultaneously restoring the cardiovascular system, we can safely assume that the average age of our target audience is 40+ y.o. The rule of thumb is the younger the person, the less likely they have problems with internal organs.

When you choose an offer, examine the target audience and conduct research to find out:

  • the pains and problems;

  • motivational triggers;

  • targeting parameters.

Of course, at this stage, you're also supposed to test the parameters and conduct the A/B testing of creatives. If you're somewhat at a loss, visit thematic forums, and talk with the target audience representatives to better understand what these people deal with and what would trigger them to buy weight loss pills.

Targeting Recommendations

Imagine: we want to direct traffic to weight loss pills. Here are the tips for your targeting settings:

  • gender: female (you can try to run on the male);

  • age: choose the age depending on the remedy (find above). The best average option would be 25-45 years.

  • GEO: depends on the offer, affiliate program conditions, world events, etc.;

  • Interests: sports, health, beauty.

Unfortunately, there are no clearly defined portraits of the target audience, so you'll have to run tests and try new targeting options.


First, you should draw up a text that attracts attention and hits the spot, closing objections, removing all doubts, and making the customer click on the link. This is how it's done:

  • Tell people about the composition of the product to show that it is safe to use;

  • Emphasize that this product is easy to use: no one wants to tinker with the instructions, ingredients, and doses;

  • Convince your audience that it is possible to drop a few pounds without exercise and diet, just by lying on the couch;

  • Focus on quick results and efficiency: your target audience must know when they get the desired result;

  • Hit the target with the description so the person reading your ad recognizes themselves in the portrait.


Before/after pictures work extremely well, but you can also resort to detailed infographics and statistics from influential sources as they increase the click-through rate of the creative. One thing though: if your target audience consists of older people, do not use photos of young girls.

Ideally, if you can find a photo of a real person for a creative, go for it. It won't arouse suspicion in the target audience; always choose the pictures that aren't omnipresent on the Internet. Such photos can be found on thematic forums, in groups on social media, or you can employ the tools that monitor your competitors' links and creos.

Successful Examples

One of the best creative options is a short story told by a public figure. Celebrities, movie stars, performers, and other entertainers often gain and lose weight, so it's easy to find an illustration. Such creos can be used in teaser networks where it is appropriate to include such stories, however, this approach doesn't work everywhere. To avoid complications, read the terms and conditions: sometimes public figures cannot be mentioned.

Other ideas:

  • If you drive traffic on weight loss offers before the season, focus on the benefits of losing weight by summer;

  • Doctor recommendations (fitness trainers, nutritionists, etc.);

  • Conspiracy theories (“A secret that was hidden from us for 25 years”, etc.);

  • Hit the spot (big stomach, folds, etc.).

Lose your weight effortlessly!
Lose your weight effortlessly!

Example of a successful creo
Example of a successful creo

Instructions given by a dietologist or any other doctor can easily win over your customers
Instructions given by a dietologist or any other doctor can easily win over your customers

Landing and Pre-Landing Pages

The best combination, in this case, includes an offer, teaser, pre-lander, and a landing page. Pre-landers in the weight loss niche are of the utmost importance: if you redirect your customers straight to the landing page, you risk getting a high bounce rate. Solution? Warm up your audience with transit pages using the same tricks you employ in your creatives, with the only necessary changes being the transformation to the article form. It should contain a story about the pills you're promoting, proper objection handling, and a request to proceed to the landing page. This approach, apart from other benefits, also helps sift through non-target users.

Usually, weight loss affiliate programs offer ready-made creative promotional materials: banners, pop-ups, and landing pages. Affiliate marketers only need to upload the site to their hosting.

Then you adjust the settings: email addresses, headers, texts, and other details. If the terms of the affiliate program do not prohibit using your own landing pages, you're free to unroll your own uniquely designed one-pager.

What information should a successful landing page contain? In this particular case, here are the aspects you must not overlook:

  • A headline that captures attention;

  • A detailed description of the remedy;

  • A list of effects/results that can be achieved with your magic pills;

  • A bright button for ordering the capsules or for a callback;

  • Reviews sent by satisfied customers;

  • A time limit (the discount is valid for only 2 hours);

  • The company data to increase reader trust.

TOP Weight Loss Traffic Sources

There are dozens of weight loss traffic sources, but we're planning to focus on the most efficient ones.

Contextual Advertising

The advantage of contextual advertising for weight loss affiliate programs is the increasing number of leads and high conversion. If you carefully investigate and work out the pains of the target audience and select the right offer, you may get a ton of applications and requests. And don't forget the keywords!

Social Media

Social media can please affiliates with a wide assortment of thematic communities swarming with the target audience. You can achieve good results without huge investment: the only thing you have to remember is that you should find relevant groups with the right audience.

Looking for the Right Combination

If you don't get the desired result after the advertising campaign, it doesn't necessarily mean that you've chosen the wrong offer, your creative flopped, or the GEO settings weren't adjusted correctly. Before you start cursing your undertaking, analyze the situation and check the performance of your

  • headlines;

  • photographs;

  • articles, etc.

Remember, testing and analysis are your friends that go hand in hand and should never stop.

For What It's Worth

Now it's time to see real cases that can demonstrate how much money you can earn on weight loss products.

KETO Garcinia ro

Case details:

GEO: Romania.

Duration: 9 days.

Traffic sources: targeted advertising on Facebook.

Spent: $1,328

Earned: $3473.

Net income: $2145.

Initially, 2 accounts were launched, through which traffic was directed to pre-landing pages and landing pages provided by the affiliate program. One campaign was set up for each advertising account. The daily budget was allocated in the amount of $250.

Targeting settings:

  • gender: female;

  • age: 28+ years.

The price of the first leads was about 70 cents but it grew daily.

When the price of the lead stopped at $9, the accounts were closed. For 9 days of such work, affiliates got a high percentage of ROI: the profit amounted to almost twice as much as was invested in advertising. At the same time, weight loss creatives were not used at all.


Case details:

GEO: Spain.

Duration: 13 days.

Traffic sources: targeted advertising on Facebook.

Spent: $1,797

Earned: $4,579

Net income: $2,782

The affiliate chose one of the most reputable offers in the weight loss niche. The advertising campaign was also launched on two pre-filled accounts.

Targeting settings:

  • gender: female

  • age: 30-45 years.

The rate and the placement were of no interest, so the price was set for the clicks only, and each click cost approximately 10 cents. The click-through rate was about 4-5%. Leads began to appear almost immediately after the launch of the campaign and cost $1.4 each. ROI was 155%.

FitoSpray, Dietonus, Reduslim

Case details:

GEO: CIS countries and Europe.

Duration: 20 days.

Traffic sources: targeted advertising on Facebook.

Spent: $120,000.

Earned: $200 000.

Net income: $80 000.

For this campaign, 3 accounts in different languages were set up. Traffic was targeted to Italy, Moldova, Germany, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. For each of the selected offers, their target audience segments were selected. For example, in Belarus, ads were shown to women aged 45 to 65. For the Germans, the bar was slightly lowered.

The traffic was driven by the CPM scheme (payment for every 1000 ad impressions) without budget restrictions. The cost of 1000 impressions was no more than $1. New creatives were constantly being generated. Pre-landers and landing pages were adapted to specific countries — prices, reviews, and delivery terms continuously changed. Everyone who participated in the campaign was satisfied with the final ROI.


Are there affiliate programs for weight loss in TIER-3?

No. In 99% of the cases, affiliates do not want to deal with this category, but it is impossible to give a 100% answer since neither we nor our colleagues have tried to work with these countries. Perhaps TIER-3 will be profitable, but you need to look for unique offers and constantly test your findings.

Is it possible to make money on weight loss offers during a pandemic?

Yes. Even though people are less likely to go out, they still want to be beautiful, healthy, and fit. As many people switched to remote work, they may have started to gain weight, so in some regions, such affiliate programs may be extremely profitable.

Can I make money on weight loss offers without a website, social media group, or any other online project?

Certainly. There are many traffic sources that do not require a web project: contextual, banner, teaser advertising; advertising in social media; e-mail newsletters; targeting; advertising on video hosting sites, etc. But, if there is a popular site or community on social media, you can start earning faster.

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