Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 02.06.2023

Learn Your Nutra Goals: Examining the Subverticals

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 02.06.2023
11 min

Profitable niches are a dime a dozen in Nutra, but hypertension precedes all and takes the cake. Medicine for high blood pressure is an essential part of the world plagued with stress: trying to alleviate it, people consume unfathomable amounts of food and refuse to move, which contributes to excess weight gain (obesity) or to unhealthy addictions. As a result, more than 1,3 billion people suffer from hypertension, and their condition does not depend on the time of day or year. Now, your main concern is how to drive traffic to such offers, and this is where we come in: here are the secrets our affiliate intelligence service is happy to divulge.

Leaving no stone unturned

Before you submerge into the depths of hypertension, make sure you understand the specifics of the GEO and the target audience you're hoping to conquer. Evidently, this category of offers is not prone to seasonality in the sense that we are accustomed to: if a person suffers from high blood pressure, they are unlikely to cure in December and acquire this chronic disease again in July. However, there are still periods of exacerbation, which can indeed be called a high season: from May to July, people tend to complain more frequently about their condition.

Seasonal variations in cardiovascular disease
Seasonal variations in cardiovascular disease

The cause is more than crystal clear: weather.

High temperatures are known to drive healthy people crazy and give them three unknown diseases and illnesses to their seemingly impeccable condition, but those unlucky to develop high blood pressure are prone to complications. More often than not, this category of people is also overweight, which seriously aggravates the situation. By August, though, the organism appears to adapt to climate change, and the demand rate goes back to normal.

Know Your Target Audience

Hypertension knows no discrimination and strikes men and women equally, so you can safely target both categories and expect no failure. However, if you want to delve a little deeper into gender differences in the regulation of blood pressure, men are at greater risk for cardiovascular and renal disease than age-matched, premenopausal women.

Now, about the age. Regardless of the country or the tier group it is in, hypertension is a major health problem that is common in older adults, so you can target people who are 40 years or older.

Prevalence of hypertension among adults by age and sex
Prevalence of hypertension among adults by age and sex

If you're up in arms and ready for a challenge, you can separately test the following age groups:

  • 35 — 40 years. Countries in the Tier-2 and Tier-3 categories may demonstrate results similar to the 40+-year-old audience.

  • 30 — 35 years. In certain GEOs, you may get a sufficiently high conversion rate, but the result will depend on the creatives you make, the traffic sources you choose, and even the weather.

  • 25 — 30 years. Your chances to succeed here are slim, but there's always a possibility to score a direct hit. However, try not to rely on this category too much: younger people don't experience the struggles of high blood pressure to the fullest and probably can ignore this condition.

Pinpointing the GEO

Although the disease is common in all countries, the distribution is spotty: there's no clear correlation between the place and the density; the tier-1 category is not less subject to high blood pressure than tier-3, or vice versa. However, an attentive eye can notice one consistent pattern: people in advanced economies usually go to the doctor rather than medicate themselves with Internet magic pills.

An image of a famous doctor can help build trust in certain GEOs
An image of a famous doctor can help build trust in certain GEOs

This pattern, though, is not an invariable trend or a case of indisputable truth. In many developed countries, medicine is considered an expensive service not everyone can easily afford. In addition, there are immigrants ready to react to all Nutra offers, so you can make money on hypertension in any GEO if you have a detailed portrait of your target audience and understand the peculiarities of the country you're aiming at.

In some cases, the seasonal demand can be so high that call centers fail to satisfy customer needs, and it normally happens in the Latin American region — annual high temperatures at your service. The local hot and humid climate is so notorious for its frequent weather changes that hypertensive patients go through hell on a regular basis, abandoning all hope. So, if this is your first-ever attempt at driving traffic to hypertension offers, give Latin America a shot.

Make hypertension creative again

Switch on your creative streak! This is the only way to come up with a great idea that will help solve the problems your potential customers are facing. Of course, you will find yourself tempted to post a simple picture with a short inscription, reading the medicine that works wonders or miracle guaranteed: fight your hypertension right away!, but this approach will seriously narrow down your audience. It will attract attention among the patients, but only those who are looking for a magic elixir will be captured and intrigued.

Instead, analyze the nature of hypertension and define it via the symptoms you can mention in your creative:

  • Headache and tinnitus;

  • Frequent migraines;

  • Regular nosebleeds;

  • Shortness of breath;

  • Arrhythmias;

  • Tachycardia;

  • Hyperhidrosis;

  • Rapid fatigability.

Symptoms presented as infographics tend to draw the attention of the audience
Symptoms presented as infographics tend to draw the attention of the audience

Oftentimes, it may be possible to benefit from the fears connected with the disease. In this case, the list can look like this:

  • Necessary and unavoidable strict diets;

  • Inability to enjoy life;

  • High risks of heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure;

  • Short-term risk of death.

Some infographics can explain hypertension triggers and causes
Some infographics can explain hypertension triggers and causes

Definitions, symptoms, and fears can be safely placed on landing pages to highlight the advantages of the offer: you mention a symptom of hypertension and counterstrike it with your magic pill. Then pull out one fear — and diminish it with the positive effect of your medicine. Some affiliates speculate on the benefits of the offer right in the creative, but it is strictly prohibited to be straightforward. Here's one trick you might want to use in your upcoming campaign:

<Magic Pill Name> reduces the risk of <Symptom Name> by X%!

Conjure it up, summon your psychological knowledge: the user who sees such quantification will feel encouraged to smash the checkout button.

Hypertension creatives
Hypertension creatives

As it has been previously stated, you should perfectly comprehend your GEO and the schticks you may encounter there. It can be applied to any niche, but here you have to wire up all your attention and analytical skills. For example, if you know that a country is interested in natural products and often resorts to them, thus dumping pharmaceuticals, point out that the medicine you are promoting is also made of natural products. Or if a country's population is inclined to believe in various superstitions and is known for their Mumbo Jumbo, try to draw an analogy with local traditional remedies.

Traditional remedies in a creative
Traditional remedies in a creative

You've undoubtedly seen a BREAKING NEWS plaque before. Do you remember endless stories told by eminent doctors and specialists, showing the results of a miraculous recuperation? This approach works wonders for other Nutra subverticals; why would hypertension be any different? If you scrutinize the idea well enough, you will successfully employ the necessary details in your creative, just don't forget to localize your prelanding page and choose the right face to concoct a plausible story to humor your customers. Focus on the influencer who will help you gain the trust of the audience.

Blood vessel cross section can be successful in certain GEOs
Blood vessel cross section can be successful in certain GEOs

In countries with average and higher income levels, people prefer to rely on their critical thinking and common sense, so it never hurts to add medical tools to your creative: concentrate on blood pressure monitors, heart rate monitors, and stethoscopes. In some cases, it's possible to choose a braver, more explicit option: blood vessel cross-section, depicting the before and after condition.


Among other niches, hypertension seems to be one of the most stable and sustainable options that have the potential to grow and make a profit. It isn't normally affected by external factors, and the only thing that can undermine the prosperity of the niche is the total recuperation of the nation. This should be of no concern to you: the digits are jumping up, and the stress level isn't going to drop anytime soon. As for the possible growing pace of health awareness, which, subsequently, might threaten your hypertension strategies... well, chances are slim and you have nothing to worry about.


Here we have examined hypertension as a source of profit, highlighting bullet points on your way to success. Now it's your turn to act: arrange seamless traffic flow, refine your creatives, and breeze through the article once again to make sure you've imbibed all the info. Godspeed, pilgrim: now you can use all the tips to your advantage.

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