Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 16.08.2024

How to Get Followers on Instagram: The Ultimate Guide

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 16.08.2024
43 min

Affiliate marketers use social media profiles to promote their offers. But on Instagram, you need more than just a realistic profile – you need a loyal fan base that will engage with your content. Building such a following can take months if you are not experienced in marketing. That might be too long, as you will be wasting time on boosting profiles instead of earning money from the affiliate programs. That’s why we’ve prepared some tips for you on how to grow an Instagram account from zero in no time.

Successful advertising campaigns on Instagram
Successful advertising campaigns on Instagram

Why Instagram Followers Matter

According to Sprout Social, as of 2023, 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business account. This means that Instagram users are highly engaged with brands and are interested in discovering new products and services on the platform. Therefore, Instagram is a valuable channel for businesses to reach and connect with their target audience. By creating a compelling profile, you can:

  • Raise your brand awareness and showcase your products or services to millions of users.

  • Attract new customers and drive traffic to your website or store.

  • Build a loyal community and foster relationships with your existing customers.

  • Address potential objections and convince your prospects to choose you over your competitors.

Instagram also offers you the opportunity to create a personal brand from scratch and become an opinion leader in your niche. You can leverage your influence and reputation to earn money from advertising various goods and services.

However, before you create an account, you need to consider the interests of your audience. Instagram users are drawn to entertaining and visually appealing content, especially related to the beauty industry, hobbies and lifestyle. But this does not mean that you have to limit yourself to these topics. You can also create content that educates, inspires or entertains your audience, as long as it is relevant to your brand and your goals.

If you want to create a profile that attracts traffic, you should focus on these niches:

  • Gambling – this appeals to users who flaunt a lavish lifestyle, as well as those who aspire to it. Hence, offers that promise easy and big money generate a lot of interest from the audience.

  • Beauty products – the female audience on Instagram is more engaged.

  • Anything related to weight loss, fitness and self-care is hot in demand.

  • Ways to earn money – for the same reasons as above, young people who want to start their lives with a bang look for extra sources of income.

  • Loans, credits and fast money – these provide quick solutions. They attract not only young people, but also older ones who need financial help.

  • E-commerce – anything that can be displayed in a stunning photo will work. Young people buy things based on emotions.

Instagram users are consumers. They respond well to advertising, make impulsive purchases and follow brands avidly. This feature allows anyone who is willing to put in the effort to grow their followers and earn from scratch.

Optimise Your Instagram Profile

If you want to promote your Instagram account, you need to start with a captivating profile that will attract followers and earn their trust.

Things to include in your Instagram profile
Things to include in your Instagram profile

Crafting the Perfect Bio

One of the most important aspects of your profile is your username. It should be memorable and recognisable, so that people can find you and follow you. Here are some tips for choosing a good username:

  • You can use a combination of languages, but only if you are targeting a local audience. If you want to reach a global audience, stick to one language.

  • You can include your profession, personal qualities or keywords related to your niche.

  • You should avoid long and complicated names. The shorter and simpler your name is, the more catchy and memorable it will be.

  • You can use transliteration, which means writing words from one language using the alphabet of another language. For example, you can write “cafe” as “kafe” or “sushi” as “susi”.

  • You should not replace letters with numbers, such as “4” instead of “for”. This is considered tacky and unprofessional.

  • If you plan to switch to a business account in the future, you should not use words that are irrelevant or misleading for your brand, such as “candy”, “sweet” or “funny”.

If you need some inspiration for your username, you can use online generators that create catchy and unique combinations. For example, Spinxo is a free tool that generates usernames based on your preferences. You can also use the suggestions from Instagram itself.

Template for business account name ideas
Template for business account name ideas

Your description is where you can tell people who you are, what you do and why they should follow you. Here are some tips for writing a good description:

  • Keep it brief, but informative. You don’t need to write long and complex sentences. Use bullet points, emojis or hashtags to make it easier to read.

  • Include your main keywords, such as your niche, location or services. This will help people find you and understand what you offer.

  • Add more links to your other social media, website or blog. You can use a free tool, such as Linktree, to create a single link that leads to multiple destinations.

Example of a page with a brief but concise description
Example of a page with a brief but concise description

Choosing a Recognizable Profile Picture

Your profile picture is the first thing that people will see when they visit your profile, so make sure it is bright and recognisable. Here are some tips for choosing a good avatar:

  • For a personal blog, you should use your own photo that reflects your personality and style.

  • For a business page, you should use your logo or a symbol that represents your brand.

  • Remember that your avatar will be cropped and placed in a circle, so make sure it fits well and is not distorted.

  • You can use free graphic editors, such as Canva, to create or edit your avatar. Canva has many ready-made templates that you can customise with your own text and colours.

Examples of successful avatars for your personal page or brand
Examples of successful avatars for your personal page or brand

Utilising Instagram Highlights

Instagram highlights are curated collections of your Instagram stories that you choose to feature permanently on your profile. They appear as circular icons just below your bio and above your feed. Each highlight can contain up to 100 photos or videos, and you can create as many highlights as you want. This feature allows you to show your best content, keeping it accessible beyond the usual 24-hour lifespan of stories.

Example of well-organised highlights with essential information
Example of well-organised highlights with essential information

Here are some tips on how to make your Instagram highlights more engaging and motivate people to follow you:

  • Curate Engaging Content. Select your most engaging and high-quality stories to add to your highlights. This could include behind-the-scenes footage, product demos, tutorials, or user-generated content. The goal is to provide value and keep your audience interested. This applies to both brands and affiliate marketers looking to highlight their partnerships and promotions.

  • Organise by Themes. Create highlights based on specific themes or categories relevant to your brand or marketing efforts. For example, you could have highlights for “Product Reviews,” “Tutorials,” “Events,” or “Customer Testimonials.” This organisation helps new visitors quickly find content that interests them.

  • Use Custom Covers. Design custom covers for your highlights to make your profile visually appealing and cohesive. Use your brand colours and icons to create a professional look that stands out.

  • Update Regularly. Keep your highlights fresh by regularly updating them with new content. This shows that your profile is active and encourages followers to check back for new updates.

  • Call to Action. Use highlights to drive specific actions. For example, you can create a highlight for “New Arrivals” with a call to action to visit your website or a “Follow Us” highlight explaining the benefits of following your account. Affiliate marketers can use this strategy to promote special offers and encourage followers to use their affiliate links.

  • Share User-Generated Content. Highlight content created by your followers, such as reviews or photos of them using your products. This not only builds community but also serves as social proof, encouraging others to follow and engage with your brand or affiliate promotions.

  • Educational Content. Provide valuable information through your highlights. This could be tips, how-to guides, or industry insights. Educational content positions you as an authority in your niche and attracts followers interested in learning more.

By strategically using Instagram highlights, you can create a more engaging and organised profile that not only retains your current followers but also attracts new ones.

Create High-Quality Content

Before you start creating content for your Instagram account, you need to define your goals and your audience. Here are some common purposes for promoting your account:

  • Traffic – driving more visitors to your website or blog;

  • Sales – converting your followers into customers or clients;

  • Reputation – managing your online image and reputation;

  • Feedback – getting opinions and suggestions from your customers;

  • Awareness – increasing your brand recognition and visibility.

Once you have your goals, you need to choose the topics and categories that you will cover in your content. You should avoid posting the same type of content all the time, as it will make your account boring and uninteresting. Instead, you should diversify your content and use different formats and features.

Posting High-Resolution Photos and Videos

When you create content for your Instagram account, you need to consider the quality and the variety of your posts and videos. You should use high-quality images and videos that are not blurry, dark or unpleasant. You also need to keep in mind the interests of your audience and the goal of your page.

You can leverage carousels on Instagram, which are posts that contain multiple photos. According to Hootsuite research, they get 3 times more attention from users, because they are more informative and interesting. They can be used to showcase your products in detail or to explore a topic from different perspectives.

Developing a Consistent Aesthetic

A consistent Instagram aesthetic is crucial because it creates a strong first impression, builds a recognizable brand identity, and enhances your profile’s professionalism. This cohesive look not only attracts new followers but also helps retain existing ones by making your content easily identifiable and visually appealing.

Examples of a visually appealing and coherent Instagram account style
Examples of a visually appealing and coherent Instagram account style

Here are some pointers for maintaining a consistent aesthetic of your Instagram profile:

  • Define Your Style. Begin by identifying the unique personality and visual style of your brand. Decide on the mood you want to convey and the elements that will represent your brand, such as colours, fonts, and imagery. Canva is a great tool for creating a comprehensive style guide.

  • Choose a Colour Palette. Select a harmonious colour palette that reflects your brand. Maintain these colours consistently across all your posts to achieve a cohesive appearance. Canva and Adobe Color are great for choosing and managing your colour schemes.

  • Use Consistent Filters. Apply the same filters or presets to your photos to maintain a uniform appearance. Lightroom and VSCO offer customizable filters that can help you achieve this.

  • Plan Your Feed. Use planning tools like Later or Planoly to preview your posts before publishing. This helps ensure that your feed looks cohesive and visually appealing.

  • Create Templates. Design templates for your posts and stories using tools like Canva. This not only saves time but also ensures that your content maintains a consistent style.

  • Edit Thoughtfully. Pay attention to details like brightness, contrast, and saturation when editing your photos. Consistent editing contributes significantly to a cohesive feed. Lightroom is particularly useful for detailed photo editing.

  • Stay True to Your Brand. As your brand evolves, your aesthetic can too. Regularly review and update your style guide to ensure it aligns with your brand’s growth and changes. Canva can be a helpful tool for updating your visual elements.

Utilising Instagram Stories and Reels

Instagram stories and reels are great features for increasing your follower count by enhancing engagement and visibility.

Instagram stories allow you to share ephemeral content that disappears after 24 hours, making it perfect for real-time updates and interactive content. Here are some tips:

  • Engage with Interactive Features. Use polls, quizzes, and question stickers to encourage audience participation. This not only boosts engagement but also makes your content more discoverable. Tools like Canva can help you create visually appealing interactive elements.

  • Share Behind-the-Scenes Content. Give your followers a glimpse behind the curtain. Whether it’s a day in the life, product creation process, or event coverage, behind-the-scenes content makes your brand more relatable and engaging.

  • Collaborate with Influencers. Host takeovers or collaborations with influencers to tap into their follower base. This can significantly increase your reach and attract new followers who are interested in similar content.

  • Use Hashtags and Geo-Tags. Incorporate relevant hashtags and location tags in your stories to increase their visibility. This helps your content appear in more searches and reach a broader audience.

Instagram reels are short, engaging videos that can be up to 90 seconds long. They are designed to be discovered by a wider audience, making them an excellent tool for attracting new followers. Here are some tips:

  • Create High-Quality Content. Focus on producing high-quality, entertaining, or informative reels. Use tools like Adobe Premiere Rush or InShot for professional editing and effects.

  • Leverage Trending Audio and Hashtags. Use popular audio tracks and trending hashtags to increase the chances of your reels being featured on the Explore page. This can significantly boost your visibility and draw in new followers.

  • Post Consistently. Regularly posting reels keeps your profile active and increases the likelihood of your content being seen. Planning tools like Later can help you schedule and manage your reels effectively.

  • Include a Call to Action. Encourage viewers to follow your account for more content. A simple call to action at the end of your reel can prompt viewers to hit the follow button.

  • Show Your Personality. Reels are a great way to let your personality shine. Whether through humour, creativity, or expertise, showing your unique style can attract followers who resonate with your content.

Use Hashtags Strategically

Hashtags are indispensable for promoting your Instagram account in 2024. They help users and the Instagram algorithms to understand what your post is about. They also help you to reach new instagram subscribers for free, which is a great advantage over paid advertising.

Researching Popular Hashtags in Your Niche

Researching popular hashtags in your niche is a smart strategy to boost your Instagram following. Hashtags act as a discovery tool, allowing users interested in specific topics to find your content. When you use the right hashtags, you increase the visibility of your posts, leading to higher engagement rates and a growing follower base.

Here’s how to research hashtags effectively:

  • Identify Your Niche. Start by defining your niche and understanding the interests of your target audience. This will help you find relevant hashtags that resonate with your followers.

  • Use Hashtag Research Tools. Tools like Instagram Insights, Hashtagify, and All Hashtag can help you discover popular and trending hashtags in your niche. These tools provide data on hashtag performance, helping you choose the most effective ones.

  • Analyse Competitors. Look through the hashtags used by bloggers and brands in your field. This can give you insights into which hashtags are driving engagement for similar content.

  • Monitor and Adjust. Regularly review the performance of your hashtags. Instagram Insights can show you which hashtags are driving the most engagement. Adjust your strategy based on this data to continually optimise your hashtag use.

  • Stay Updated. Hashtag trends can change quickly. Stay updated with the latest trends in your niche to ensure your hashtags remain relevant.

By using hashtags with pinpoint precision, you can significantly boost your Instagram presence, attract a targeted audience, and enhance your engagement rates. This strategic approach will help you lead in your niche and get recommended by Instagram’s algorithm.

Creating a Branded Hashtag

A branded hashtag is essential for boosting your Instagram presence as it promotes brand awareness, fosters community engagement, and encourages user-generated content. By using a unique and memorable hashtag, you make it easier for followers to connect with your brand and share their experiences. This not only increases your organic reach but also helps build a loyal community around your brand, ultimately getting you more instagram followers.

And here’s the list on how to create a branded hashtag:

  • Keep It Simple and Memorable. Choose a short, easy-to-spell hashtag that’s not hard to remember. Avoid complex or lengthy phrases.

  • Reflect Your Brand. Ensure the hashtag aligns with your brand identity or campaign message. It can be your brand name, tagline, or a creative phrase related to your brand.

  • Check Availability. Before finalising, search Instagram to ensure the hashtag isn’t already widely used by another brand.

  • Promote It. Use the hashtag consistently in your posts, bio, and stories. Encourage your followers to use it by featuring their posts on your profile.

  • Engage with Users. Like, comment, and share posts that use your branded hashtag to encourage further usage and build a loyal community.

Balancing Popular and Niche Hashtags

You should only use hashtags that are relevant to your post and your target audience. You also need to vary the frequency of your hashtags and use some branded and unique ones. If you use only popular hashtags, your post will be buried by the new ones that are posted every minute.

Top hashtags in 2024
Top hashtags in 2024

Engage with Your Audience

One of the best ways to grow your Instagram account organically is to increase your engagement with your audience. Engagement means how much your followers interact with your content, such as liking, commenting or sharing.

Here are some tips to boost your engagement:

  • Run likes – post special posts that ask your followers to comment and like. Each follower should also tag the previous follower’s post.

  • Talk to your audience – ask them to subscribe, like or comment at the end of each post or video. You can also ask them questions, opinions or feedback.

  • Follow trends – post content that is relevant and popular, such as current events, memes or viral challenges.

  • Announce posts in your Stories – add links to your posts in your Stories and encourage your followers to check them out.

  • Conduct various polls – use the poll feature in your Stories or create your own polls in your posts, to get your followers’ opinions and preferences.

To promote your Instagram account by yourself, you need to actively communicate with your audience and create a loyal community around you.

Responding to Comments and Messages

Responding to comments and messages on Instagram is vital for increasing your following because it fosters a sense of community and engagement. When you take the time to reply to your followers, it shows that you value their opinions and appreciate their support. This personal interaction builds trust and loyalty, encouraging followers to stay engaged with your content and even recommend your profile to others. Moreover, active engagement signals to the Instagram algorithm that your content is valuable and worth promoting, which can lead to higher visibility on users’ feeds and the Explore page.

Additionally, responding to comments and messages can enhance your brand’s image and credibility. It demonstrates that you are attentive and responsive, which can get you new instagram subscribers who are looking for authentic and interactive accounts to follow. By addressing questions, acknowledging compliments, and even handling criticism gracefully, you create a positive and approachable brand persona. This not only helps in retaining your current followers but also in attracting new ones, ultimately boosting your overall follower count.

Hosting Giveaways and Contests

A contest is an event where you ask your followers to do something, such as comment, like or tag someone, and then you choose a winner who gets a prize. You should only run a contest if you have at least 500 loyal followers, otherwise you may not get enough participation.

To run a successful contest, you should follow these rules:

  • Offer your product or service as a prize or something that is related to your niche.

  • In the contest announcement, explain what the prize is and why it is valuable.

  • Save your best content for the contest period, so that you don’t lose followers after the contest is over.

  • Set simple and clear conditions for participation, such as following your account, commenting on your post, liking your post or tagging a friend. Don’t ask for reposts, as many people don’t like to spam their own feed with ads – this will discourage many potential participants.

  • Create eye-catching graphics with large text that say “Contest”, so that people can easily see that you are running an event.

Example of a contest
Example of a contest

A giveaway is a type of prize draw where you collaborate with other sponsors and organisers to offer a bigger and more attractive prize. It can be an answer to how to get hundreds of instagram followers quickly, as you can reach more people through the network of sponsors and organisers.

Example of a giveaway
Example of a giveaway

To join a giveaway, you need to:

  • Become a sponsor and offer a prize that will appeal to many followers, such as money, gadgets or your own products or services.

  • Find a giveaway organiser and pay the entry fee. The organiser will take care of the logistics and promotion of the giveaway.

  • Wait for the followers to come. The giveaway will be advertised by the organiser and the other sponsors on their accounts. The followers will have to go to the giveaway page and follow all the sponsors to enter the draw.

Post Consistently and at Optimal Times

You should post daily, to make sure that your content appears in the recommendations of your potential followers. To speed up your growth, you should use tools for auto-posting, such as Postmypost.

Determining the Best Times to Post

Choosing the best time to post on Instagram is crucial for maximising engagement and growing your following. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, studies have shown that certain times tend to yield higher engagement rates. Generally, posting between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. on weekdays is effective. Additionally, mid-morning to early afternoon, around 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., can also be a good window. However, these times can vary based on your specific audience and their habits.

To determine the best time for your account, start by analysing your followers’ activity. Instagram Insights provides valuable data on when your followers are most active. Look for patterns in this data to identify peak engagement times. Experiment with posting at different times and track the performance of your posts to see which times generate the most interaction. Over time, you’ll be able to pinpoint the optimal posting schedule tailored to your audience.

By combining general best practices with insights specific to your followers, you can strategically time your posts to enhance visibility and engagement, ultimately boosting your Instagram following.

Creating a Content Calendar

To plan your content ahead, you should create a content calendar for at least a month. This way, you can save time and avoid stress when it comes to publishing your content. You can use free tools, such as Google Sheets or Trello, to create your content calendar and schedule your posts.

Example of a content plan calendar
Example of a content plan calendar

To choose the right topics for your posts and videos, you can follow Michael Stelzner’s rule of thumb. He has created a post ratio formula that works well for most accounts that want to attract traffic.

Stelzner’s Formula
Stelzner’s Formula

According to this formula, when you start your account, you should use the following types of content:

  • Promotional content (5%) – posts that directly sell your products or services.

  • Branded content (30%) – posts that introduce your brand, your values and your story.

  • Educational content (25%) – posts that teach your followers something new, such as tips, tricks or tutorials.

  • Engaging content (40%) – posts that encourage your followers to interact with you, such as contests, polls, questions, quizzes, reviews and more.

Besides photo posts, you should also include videos, stories and live streams in your content plan. Videos are great for educational content, while stories and live streams are great for getting to know your instagram followers and building trust.

One more thing to remember! Before you start promoting your account, you need to have at least 12 posts on your profile. These posts will give your visitors a first impression of your account and make them want to follow you. If your profile is empty, you will not get many subscriptions, as people will think that you are not active or interesting. They will either go to your competitors or forget about you.

Leverage Instagram Analytics

Effectively using Instagram analytics is key to understanding your account’s performance and identifying areas for improvement. Instagram Insights provides detailed data on various metrics such as reach, engagement, and follower demographics. By regularly reviewing these metrics, you can determine which types of content resonate most with your audience and which ones fall flat. For instance, if you notice that posts with certain themes or formats consistently receive higher engagement, you can focus on creating more of that content. Conversely, identifying posts with lower engagement can help you understand what to avoid or improve upon.

Instagram analytics can also reveal patterns in your followers’ behaviour, such as the times they are most active. This information allows you to optimise your posting schedule to ensure your content is seen by the maximum number of followers. Monitoring follower growth and engagement trends over time can also help you assess the effectiveness of your strategies and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging these insights, you can refine your content strategy, engage more effectively with your audience and grow your following.

Promote Your Instagram on Other Platforms

Besides announcing your Instagram account on other social networks, you can also use some creative ways to entice your audience to follow you. For example, you can post a teaser video with a cliffhanger and direct them to your Instagram for the full version.

Example of a video for promotion
Example of a video for promotion

You can also cross-promote your Instagram account on TikTok, which is a popular platform for short videos. For instance, a video blogger posted a short video on TikTok about throwing Mentos in a tub of Coke and posted the full version on Instagram.

The general rule is to promote your Instagram account on all the sources that you have access to, including your website, text blogs and social media. You can even place a QR code with a link to your account on your business cards and print ads.

Utilise Instagram Ads

Another effective way to promote your account is to use targeted ads. These are ads that you can create and customise to reach your ideal audience. You can use them to promote your existing posts and stories or to create new ones.

To set up ads from your business account, you can follow these steps:

  • Choose the post or story that you want to promote and tap the “Promote” button under it.

  • Select your goal, such as more profile visits, website traffic or messages.

  • Define your audience, either automatically or manually, by selecting the location, gender, age and interests of your potential followers.

  • Set your budget and duration and choose your payment method.

  • Review and confirm your promotion.

You can also use the Facebook Ads Manager to access more advanced options for your target audience, such as behaviours, languages or connections.

Network with Influencers

One of the most popular ways to promote your account is to collaborate with influencers. These are people who have a large and loyal following on Instagram and who can endorse your products or services. However, you should not aim for the top influencers, who have millions of followers, as they are too expensive and may not suit your niche. Instead, you should look for micro or nano influencers, who have a smaller but more engaged audience.

When choosing an influencer, you should check their profile carefully. It should meet the following criteria:

  • No fake followers or bots;

  • Good engagement and reach metrics;

  • High level of trust and credibility among their followers.

You can check these statistics yourself, by asking the influencer to share them with you, or by using special tools, such as Upfluence.

Example of influencer analysis via Upfluence
Example of influencer analysis via Upfluence

You can also increase the conversion rate by making your profile private for the duration of the campaign with the influencer. This will create a sense of exclusivity and curiosity and make more people want to follow you.

If you are selling low-cost and essential products, you can sponsor a marathon or a giveaway on the influencer’s profile. In this case, one of the conditions would be to follow your account. However, if you have a specific or niche product, this method may not work well, as you may get a lot of uninterested followers who will unfollow you later.

Use Instagram Features

Instagram offers a variety of innovative features designed to enhance user engagement and grow your follower count. By using these tools effectively, you can create more interactive and appealing content, fostering a stronger connection with your audience. Let’s explore some of these exciting features and how they can benefit your Instagram strategy.

Making the Most of Instagram Live

Instagram Live allows you to broadcast real-time videos to your followers, creating an immediate and interactive experience. When you go live, your followers receive a notification, encouraging them to join and engage with your content. This feature is perfect for hosting Q&A sessions, sharing behind-the-scenes moments, or launching new products.

Running solo live streams can significantly boost your following by fostering a direct connection with your audience. The real-time interaction allows for immediate feedback and engagement, making your followers feel valued and involved. Additionally, live streams are prioritised in Instagram’s algorithm, often appearing at the front of the Stories feed, which increases your visibility and attracts new viewers to your profile. By consistently hosting engaging live sessions, you can build a loyal community and expand your reach on Instagram.

A joint live stream is a live video that you do with another blogger who has a similar or related niche. You can have a conversation, a debate or a collaboration with them. The key is to find someone who is willing to cooperate with you for free. To do this, you need to have a decent profile, with at least a few hundred followers. If you are just starting out, you will have a hard time finding someone who will agree to do a live stream with you.

Joint live stream announcement
Joint live stream announcement

Some basic rules for doing a joint live stream are:

  • Choose a topic that is relevant and interesting for both of your audiences.

  • Prepare a script or an outline of what you will talk about.

  • Notify your followers of the date and time of the live stream in advance.

  • Publish an announcement about the live stream in your Stories and feed.

  • Interact with your viewers and encourage them to ask questions or comment.

Doing a joint live stream will help you exchange your audience with another blogger and create more engagement and trust.

Engaging with Instagram Stories

To generate leads, you can use interactive features in your stories. For example, you can ask a question like: “Would you like to get a discount (free delivery, trial period, gift)?”. After some of the users answer “Yes”, you can send them an offer in Direct.

You should post between 1 and 7 stories per day. You need to post them yourself during non-working hours, to increase your reach – on average from 1 to 5.82%. The first story should be the most captivating, to hook your users and make them watch until the end.

Utilising IGTV for Longer Content

IGTV (Instagram TV) allows you to share long-form video content, which can be up to 60 minutes for verified accounts and 10 minutes for regular users. This feature is perfect for creating in-depth tutorials, interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and more. By offering valuable and engaging content, you can keep your audience hooked for longer periods, which helps in building a stronger connection with them.

Using IGTV can significantly boost your following by providing a platform for more detailed and high-quality content that goes beyond the typical short posts and stories. Longer videos allow you to dive deeper into topics, showcase your expertise, and provide more value to your audience. This not only enhances viewer engagement but also encourages them to follow your account for more insightful content. Additionally, IGTV videos can be shared as previews on your main feed, increasing their visibility and helping you with the question of how to get more instagram followers.

Avoid Common Pitfalls

Many beginners make the following mistakes:

  • They neglect to design their account in a professional and appealing way.

  • They overlook the importance of hashtags or use them incorrectly.

  • They fail to analyse their competitors’ content and learn from their strengths and weaknesses.

  • They post content randomly, without following a schedule or a plan.

  • They do not monitor their statistics and adjust their strategy accordingly.

These mistakes can prevent their posts from appearing in the recommendations or in the “Recent” block in the location. As a result, they miss out on potential followers who cannot find them.

Steering Clear of Fake Followers

Avoiding fake followers can significantly improve your real follower count in several ways:

  • Enhanced Engagement. Fake followers don’t interact with your content. By removing them, your engagement rate (likes, comments, shares) will more accurately reflect your real audience’s interest. This can make your profile more appealing to new, genuine followers.

  • Improved Credibility. A high follower count with low engagement can signal to potential followers that your account isn’t trustworthy. By maintaining a genuine follower base, you build credibility and trust, encouraging more real users to follow you.

  • Better Analytics. Fake followers can skew your social media analytics, making it difficult to understand what content resonates with your audience. Removing them allows you to get accurate insights, helping you create content that attracts and retains real followers.

  • Algorithm Favorability. Social media algorithms prioritise content from accounts with high engagement rates. By eliminating fake followers, your engagement rate improves, increasing the likelihood that your content will be shown to a broader, real audience.

  • Targeted Marketing. If you’re using social media for business, fake followers can waste your marketing budget. By focusing on real followers, your marketing efforts become more effective, reaching people who are genuinely interested in your products or services.

By keeping your follower base authentic, you create a more engaging, trustworthy, and effective social media presence.

Avoiding Overposting and Underposting

Overposting can lead to audience fatigue, where followers feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content, potentially causing them to unfollow. Additionally, posting too frequently might compromise content quality and could even result in algorithm penalties, reducing your content’s visibility. On the other hand, underposting can make your audience forget about you, leading to reduced engagement. Infrequent posting might also cause social media algorithms to deprioritize your content, and you could miss out on timely opportunities for how to get new instagram subscribers.

Here are some effective strategies to overcome these issues:

  • Find the Right Balance. Aim for a consistent posting schedule that maintains quality without overwhelming your audience.

  • Use Analytics. Monitor your engagement metrics to understand when your audience is most active and what posting frequency works best for you.

  • Plan Ahead. Create a content calendar to plan your posts in advance, ensuring consistency and high-quality content.

  • Engage with Your Audience. Actively engage with your followers through comments, likes, and shares to keep your account active and foster a sense of community.

Balancing your posting frequency and staying consistent can help to keep your audience engaged and attract new followers.


Growing your Instagram following involves a blend of strategic planning, engaging content creation, and active audience interaction. By optimising your profile, maintaining a consistent posting schedule, and leveraging Instagram’s features, you can build a strong and authentic presence.

This guide provides practical tips and insights to help you navigate the platform effectively. By avoiding common pitfalls and focusing on genuine engagement, you can attract and retain real followers, ultimately enhancing your social media influence. Embrace these strategies to transform your Instagram account into a thriving community.

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