Articles on «sigmaworld»

SiGMA East Europe 2024 Landing in Budapest!

The SiGMA brand is known for its outstanding ability to pull people together, even if they don’t always see eye to eye and share similar views on business, trade, affiliate marketing, and the narrower departments and verticals within the larger entity.

This unique flavor of unity oozes ...

#conference #sigma #sigmaworld #sigmaeasteurope

SiGMA Eurasia 2024: Reviewing the Show

SiGMA Eurasia in Dubai was a stunning, first-rate show everyone wanted to attend, and we, of course, couldn’t miss the opportunity. When the opportunity was thrown our way, we darted smack-dab into the thick of it.

As you can see, the conference was worth it. Apart from the charming ...

#conference #sigma #sigmaworld #affiliatesigma #sigmadubai

Get Back in Time to See SiGMA Malta 2023

Whew, that was a hectic year! We’ve partenered with different people, made tons of content, visited dozens of conferences, and highlighted the most exciting events in the world of affiliate marketing. That’s a bunch of things, isn’t it?

The video we have posted covers only a modicum of ...

#sigma #sigmaworld #affiliatesigma #sigmamalta

SiGMA Going Wild

You weren't ready.

Really, you weren't. SiGMA was the Barbie of affiliate marketing with Oppenheimer's impact on the industry: it's still hard to imagine how many projects were discussed and how many plans are now in the works because of this one event connecting affiliates to affiliate ...

#sigma #sigmaworld #affiliatesigma #sigmacyprus

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