Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 17.04.2024

Convert Like a Pro: Elevating Your Landing Page to New Heights

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 17.04.2024
14 min

Affiliate marketers are increasingly focusing on new traffic sources, while trustworthy blogs overflow with insights on effective advertising visuals, precise targeting techniques on Facebook or Instagram and related topics. However, there’s a noticeable scarcity of detailed guidance on optimising landing pages for conversion – a critical element that’s often overlooked.

Indeed, the first interaction a user has with an advertising campaign is through the ad itself. If the ad fails to engage the potential client, the opportunity for further interaction is lost. But what happens when the ad does its job? Relying solely on a well-crafted creative is as unwise as neglecting it entirely.

In this article, we’ll explore the essential rules for developing a landing page with a high conversion rate. We’ll shift our focus from the initial challenge of attracting clients to the crucial task of selling products or services to those who’ve shown interest.

Why Landing Pages Matter

Landing pages are key because they’re where you convince people to act. It’s the spot where someone decides to buy something, sign up or do what you’re asking. The journey doesn’t stop there, though. A bad checkout process or a confusing form can still turn people away. But most folks who clicked on your ad will leave if the landing page doesn’t cut it.

Ads are important, no doubt – they grab attention first. But the landing page is right behind it in the race. It’s when you have a great landing page and ad working together that you really start winning over customers.

When Do You Really Need a Landing Page?

Not every online venture needs a landing page, and that’s okay. But let’s dive into when it makes perfect sense to have one.

If you’re selling something unique – a one-of-a-kind service or a groundbreaking product – your landing page’s mission is clear: get that customer to hit “buy". This could be anything from a niche marketing tool to a revolutionary health supplement.

On the flip side, if you’re just reselling well-known products or running an e-commerce gig, a landing page might not be your best move. A direct link to your product catalogue could do the trick instead.

Now, if your website’s main page is all flash and no cash, it’s time to switch gears. A landing page should do the heavy lifting to convert visitors into customers.

And for the affiliate marketing pros out there, you might find yourself juggling multiple offers, each with its own landing page. Sometimes, though, you’ll hit a snag – an offer without a landing page. That’s your cue to step in and bridge the gap. You might even need a pre-landing page to keep things under wraps from platform moderators or to amp up the offer’s appeal. Remember, it’s all about the conversion, not just the click-through.

Also, the steps for creating a pre-landing page are pretty similar to those for making a regular landing page. You’re basically using the same key techniques to set up both.

3 Ways to Create a Landing Page

When it comes to landing pages, conversion is king. A good landing page doesn’t just look nice – it convinces people to take action. But before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about getting the page up and running. You’ve got the structure, design and template to think about, and content comes later. Here are three paths you can take.

Build It Yourself

If you’re tech-savvy, you can use various website builders or code it from scratch. There are plenty of free tools out there.

Crafting a landing page on your own can be tough, but it lets you inject your personal touch and highlight what you think is important. If you trust your marketing skills and have a creative streak, this could be your best bet.

Use a Pre-Made Template

For those who’d rather not get their hands dirty, pre-made templates are a goldmine. You’ll find a vast array of options online, from exclusive, high-cost designs to budget-friendly bulk packs.

Catalogue of landing page templates
Catalogue of landing page templates

Most marketers will find something that fits their campaign. Just remember, if your product is unique, you’ll likely need to tweak the template to truly capture your message.

And make sure your landing page’s style is in harmony with your ads. When people click on your ad, they should land on a page that looks like what they expected, not a random one. This helps to keep them interested.

There are lots of free templates available online, as well as the ones you pay for. The free ones might not be as first-rate, but they can still be a good place to start for your landing page.

Leverage a Spy Service

If spy services are already part of your toolkit, finding a landing page should be a breeze. The best spy services offer insights on top-performing ads and campaigns and let you download competitors’ landing pages in bulk.

Sure, there are other ways to get your hands on a rival’s landing page, but spy services streamline the process, which is a lifesaver when managing multiple campaigns with lots of landing pages.

7 Rules for a High-Converting Landing Page

Now that we’ve covered where to get a landing page template, let’s focus on what really matters: making it work like a charm. We want it to convert visitors like nobody’s business. Here are a few straightforward tips to get you there.

Keep It Sleek, Keep It Modern

When picking out a template, remember that today’s users have high standards. They won’t engage with a site that looks like it’s stuck in the past. Aim for a design that’s clean and modern, but not too flashy or busy. Avoid designs that look like a jumbled mess of ads. If you’re going for bold colours, use them wisely:

Landing page design example in bright colours
Landing page design example in bright colours

It’s even better to stick with cool, subdued colours like white, blue and green. Grey works too, but the key is to use monochrome schemes and smooth transitions:

If a design rubs you the wrong way or feels too plain, chances are your visitors will feel the same.

Cut the Clutter

A landing page’s job is to convert. Period. But some folks overdo it with too many bells and whistles – extra scripts, too many images or even bits of storytelling. Storytelling is great, but only if it’s the core of your entire site. Otherwise, it can distract and scatter a visitor’s focus, making them forget why they came in the first place. Keep it simple and direct to drive conversions.

Write Concise Texts and Clear Highlights

Every guide out there on high-converting landing pages will tell you to make your headlines pop. They’re not wrong – grabbing attention is crucial. But why stop at headlines? Every word on your landing page should earn its keep. Keep your story short and sweet, and make sure your key points stand out.

Without these techniques, your text might drone on like this:

“Our software meets all the commercial needs of small businesses. It’s designed for complete sales and financial management via smartphone, saving you the need for extra staff. Even inventory can be a one-person job. Plus, we always stay up-to-date with the latest legal changes.”

But with a little polish, it transforms:

"Streamlined Software for Small Businesses.

  • Full reporting control from your phone.
  • One employee, a smartphone, and you’re set.
  • Quick inventory? Done in 10 minutes.
  • Always legally compliant with the latest updates."

Now, which one grabs your attention? The choice is clear.

Craft a Cohesive USP

A well-structured landing page guides the customer through a seamless journey. It starts by capturing their attention, then leads them through a series of steps: showcasing examples, highlighting compelling benefits and demonstrating achievements. The finale? A clear analysis of benefits capped with a persuasive call to action.

Example of unique selling proposition sequence for RollerAds
Example of unique selling proposition sequence for RollerAds

The structure isn’t set in stone, but the essence lies in understanding that your unique selling proposition (USP) is a narrative. It’s a sequence of interconnected elements, each building upon the last, providing increasingly persuasive reasons to buy. Ideally, each point should prompt the visitor to think, “That’s great, but what about…?” And that’s your cue to address this “what about” in the next section. By the time they reach the end, there should be no doubts left – only the decision to make a purchase or place an order.

Here’s how you might structure it:

  • Attention-Grabbing Introduction: Start with a bang that makes them want to keep reading.
  • Show Examples: Provide real-life instances of your product or service in action.
  • Highlight Benefits: Clearly outline how your offering will improve their life or solve their problems.
  • Demonstrate Achievements: Share success stories or accolades to build credibility.
  • Analysis of Benefits: Break down the advantages in a way that resonates with the reader’s needs.
  • Strong Call to Action: Finish with a clear, compelling invitation to take the next step – whether it’s making a purchase, signing up or another desired action.

Remember, the goal is to weave a USP that feels like a natural conversation, leading the customer down a path where the only logical conclusion is to engage with your product or service. Keep it straightforward, relevant and focused on the customer’s journey.

Lead with What Matters Most

It’s a straightforward concept: the most compelling content should be front and center. If you bury your best points, there’s a slim chance visitors will stick around to find them. So, don’t hold back – put your main attractions at the top to grab attention right off the bat. Once you’ve got their interest, you can follow up with additional details.

Make It Mobile-Friendly

With mobile users making up the lion’s share of internet traffic – up to 80% or more – it’s clear that your landing page needs to be mobile-first. Most of your audience is browsing on their phones, so tailor your page for those users. Always optimise and test the mobile version of your landing page, or better yet, design it for mobile from the get-go.

Focus on a Specific Audience

A landing page hits the mark when it speaks directly to a particular audience. Trying to appeal to everyone usually falls flat. If you’ve got a broad target audience that spans various locations, ages and genders, consider creating separate landing pages for each segment. This way, you can address the specific needs and interests of each group more effectively.


It’s a reality many marketers face: upon reviewing their campaigns, they often find the landing page is where they lose most prospects. It’s a crucial point in the sales funnel that can make or break a deal. Even a well-designed landing page might fall short if the offer doesn’t hit the mark. However, the potential to boost profits with just a few adjustments to the landing page is too significant to ignore. If fine-tuning your landing page could lead to a noticeable increase in conversions, it’s an opportunity worth seizing. After all, in the world of marketing, small changes can lead to big results.

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