Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 18.07.2023

How To Drive SEO Traffic To Finance

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 18.07.2023
12 min

Every webmaster dreams about being ranked higher on Google. However, almost everyone who comes close to SEO knows that this type of traffic is long-term. You can simply break into gambling or nutra, where sites are constantly banned from search results. But in the financial sphere everything is usually stable, and famous aggregators stay on the top for years.

Simply put, if you want to work with SEO, you should be careful. It means that you will contact with experienced major players of the niche. So, you should probably try try occupying a niche without affiliate moguls. Namely, in the low-frequency and mid-frequency segment. But for sure, newbies shouldn't get involved in SEO. You can test this sphere for some experience, but you don’t need to count on a quick profit in this case. You should get it.

If you are experienced enough, SEO is a really powerful and reliable tool that can drive an incessant stream of high-quality traffic. Here we talk about how to drive SEO traffic to finance. And here is Vyacheslav, the leading affiliate manager at Leadbit Finance, a financial CPA-network that won the 1st place at the Partnerkin Award 2022. He will help us dive into the topic.

Vyacheslav answers the most frequently asked questions on the SEO topic. He also shares offers that give webmasters great opportunities to drive profitable traffic. Look at the list of financial offers in the middle of the text.

General SEO Promotion algorithm?

The way you do SEO depends on the GEO. Moreover, you can optimize specific sites in different ways. However, you should follow a general algorithm, namely:

  1. Analyze the market. There's no place for hope in SEO, especially in stable niches like finance. Be sure to analyze the market, find out the sites in the top 50 of search results, what content they publish, etc. Also, if only it is possible, examine the regional behavioral patterns of your target audience.

An example of a website from the top 3 Google results. The query is 'loan Mexico'. Pay attention to pay attention to the meticulously filled metasection
An example of a website from the top 3 Google results. The query is 'loan Mexico'. Pay attention to pay attention to the meticulously filled metasection

1.2 (Optional) Buying a domain. This point is not necessary in the finance niche, but a good domain with a history can boost your promotion. It's even better if you can get a drop domain for yourself. In fact, all this stuff will be useful only if all other SEO steps are correct. Otherwise, it can entail a biased attitude || it can cause.

Search for free domains with the ExpiredDomains service
Search for free domains with the ExpiredDomains service

  1. Collect keywords. Collect popular search queries before generating content for your resource. Nowadays you don’t have to spend hours on Trends to do this. There are many analytical SEO services, for example, Keycollector. So, you can collect a list of keywords easly.

Collection of keywords for the query 'credit' (credito) with the Keyword Tool service
Collection of keywords for the query 'credit' (credito) with the Keyword Tool service

  1. Segment your keywords into groups. We have collected the keys, okay. However, muzzily putting them around the site is not a great idea. Segment keywords into groups of 4-5 keywords and integrate only where it's appropriate. It will make the content look as organic as possible for search engines.
  2. Create content plan and tasks for authors. Now the preparation is completed. You can develop a publication plan. It doesn’t matter how the articles will be created, by your own, by freelance authors or with AI, texts must be published regularly. So, you cannot do it without a content plan. If possible, put links into the articles regularly, not once a year, when you accidentally decide that it’s high time to SEO the resource.
  3. Fix the technical parts. You should set up a mobile version, an SSL certificate, metadata, properly configured robots.txt, sitemap, and so on. Usually, this is an unpopular topic, because formally it is not SEO, but without this stuff, optimization activities may be wiped out.

An SLL certificate is a cybersecurity base, so search engines lower sites without SLL in ranking
An SLL certificate is a cybersecurity base, so search engines lower sites without SLL in ranking

  1. Publish articles. It would seem obvious that there will be no promotion without content. However, many webmasters for some reason expect the site to get into the search results prior to publishing materials. Of course, this is not to happen. Just start posting when the preparation is completed. The SEO articles should be useful, structured, illustrated, etc.
  2. Connect analytics from Google. Some experts say that this step should be done at the preparation stage, but in this case, the search engines will see your site as empty. We recommend connecting Google Analytics and Google Search Console after first publications.

Google Search Console is an important analytical SEO tool
Google Search Console is an important analytical SEO tool

7.1. (Optional) Create local reviews. The world is full of regional aggregators. It is highly desirable to be represented in all top platforms of the target GEO. If you are not into finance, say, you're promoting a cafe website in Vietnam, find a local lookalike online map and create a card for your business. In terms of finance, as a rule, we talk about online showcases.

A must-have site for affiliates working with Mexican SEO traffic
A must-have site for affiliates working with Mexican SEO traffic

  1. Publish new content regularly. You can’t just do something with SEO and expect results. You will have to constantly publish new content, track the statistics (don't confuse it with the statistics from the tracker), monitor the download speed as the audience grows, adapt the site to new versions of mobile OS, and so on. In general, here are eternal analytics and optimization. You can use Screaming frog or its analogues to make life easier during technical audits.

The number of people who access the Internet from mobile in 2021
The number of people who access the Internet from mobile in 2021

  1. Fill in empty sections. In a couple of weeks after first publications, it is advisable to fill out About us, Contacts, footer and other empty sections of your site.
  2. Link building. You are unlikely to get into the top on Google without external links. Use at least crowd marketing. Whether to purchase links is up to you. But if you decide to invest, be sure to use the Ahrefs service or its analogues before spending money. We also recommend taking into account the behavioral patterns of your target audience. And, of course, don't take it too far.

Jacob Nielsen's F-pattern. If the target audience's attention is subject to it, place your links in the warm parts of the site
Jacob Nielsen's F-pattern. If the target audience's attention is subject to it, place your links in the warm parts of the site

  1. Posting, Analytics and Optimization. Go back to point 8.

Okay, SEO is a long term business, we see. How long exactly will it work? Unfortunately, no one will give you a clear answer or guarantees. Only a cunning or incompetent person can offer guarantees. There are too many factors that influence the ranking of a site to be able to make guaranteed predictions.

However, in relation to the financial sector, the first results are unlikely to appear earlier than in 2-3 months. Still, SEO in finance is not SEO in gambling, where sites are banned by hundreds and you can jump into the Google top in 10-15 days. Sometimes webmasters fight with SEO for months to no avail, forget about the site, and in a year, it suddenly makes it to the top. The less experience you have, the bigger the SEO lottery becomes.

However, not everything is so bad. Google AI sucks at many languages in second and third world countries. So, it is much easier to make the top content for Google in such GEOs. By the way, doorway webs often use this.

According to Google Trends, no more than 100 people were interested in credit in the Philippines in a year. Does this match reality? Of course, not. The thing is that Google AI hasn't yet been linked up to the Philippines.
According to Google Trends, no more than 100 people were interested in credit in the Philippines in a year. Does this match reality? Of course, not. The thing is that Google AI hasn't yet been linked up to the Philippines.

Top Financial Offers for SEO Traffic

SEO traffic allows you to earn a lot, but it also takes a lot of time to prepare. In fact, with SEO, your main investment is labor. To maximize profit, you need to choose offers that will convert well and give a high ROI.

Vyacheslav provided us top 3 offers that give the greatest profit.


  • Bid — $16

  • EPC — $0,36

  • Conversion — 24,29%

Visame (CPL, VN):

  • Bid — $1

  • EPC — $0,15

  • Conversion — 19,58%

MoneyCat (CPA, VN):

  • Bid — $12

  • EPC — $0,45

  • Conversion — 22,91%


Is SEO traffic great compared to other methods?

Vyacheslav: Yes, it's really great! This is the highest quality traffic that pays a lot and lives for a long time.

What are the pitfalls for those who want to start a SEO campaign?

Vyacheslav: There are constant changes in Google ranking algorithms, updates to search spiders, changes in rules, so you should always stay in the loop keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing, otherwise they'll be ahead of you.

How long does it usually take to build a site?

Vyacheslav: On average, 3-4 months. But again, this is on average. Everything depends on your experience.

Which creatives give the best conversion with SEO?

Vyacheslav: It is enough to choose the right keywords. Creatives, for sure, are usually the simplest, people just don't bother. The user is already looking for an offer, and there is no point in doing much magic in marketing and creatives. Therefore, webmasters make simple creatives with a loan, which simply cover the user's need.

How to choose the right financial offer to drive SEO traffic?

Vyacheslav: You can choose any offer for SEO—advertisers are always really happy with such traffic. Mostly, webs simply choose by the highest EPC.

I would like to drive financial traffic with SEO, how can I start?

Vyacheslav: First, you should study why search engine optimization is needed and how Google ranks sites. SEO is a very profitable topic, but not for newbies. If you don’t know where to start, it’s better not to resort to SEO.

What is the average approval rate for SEO traffic?

Vyacheslav: Usually it's about 30-40%

What GEOs are the best for SEO traffic?

Vyacheslav: Vietnam, Philippines, Spain. Vietnam seems like the best GEO.


So, let's recap. We can make a conclusion: SEO is a long term game. Most likely, it will not be possible for a beginner to break into SEO. Even if you work with SEO as a newbie, you will be the expert when the first campaign is finished. SEO is a trustworthy source for experienced webmasters. It helps to make a lot of money stable, but it also requires really hard work.

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