
TikTok, Kid! What You Should Know about Restrictions on TikTok in the United States

In April, news portals exploded: Joe Biden endorsed the ban imposed on TikTok, and the app had to either face the consequences or fight to the end. However, journalists mostly highlighted the fact without providing the background that would explain the reasons for such a drastic measure, but ...

#ban #tiktok #us_

Contextual Advertising Under Analysis

Contextual advertising is considered a shortcut to success: pay for traffic and wait for ensured sales. In effect, it's not that simple. Contextual advertising demands expertise; wrong settings will lead you nowhere, and you'll splurge all your budget on Google Ads without receiving a single ...

#ads #advertising #contextualadvertising #contextualads

Teaser Traffic: A Low-Quality Source with High Potential

Teaser advertising is a low-cost way to reach a large audience with few limitations. However, there is a catch: teasers are not very effective at attracting the right customers and often get clicked by bots. This makes teaser traffic low-quality and unreliable. But marketers can still make money ...

#advertising #teaser

CPA Traffic Explained

There's one perennial question you come across everywhere: How do I choose a traffic source for CPA marketing. Oddly enough, it's more relevant than ever as Facebook and other advertising networks are actively complicating affiliate marketers' work. Under the current circumstances, trying to ...

#cpa #cpatraffic #cpa_offers

Banner Blindness: Why Your Ads Are Being Ignored and What to Do About It

Imagine this scenario: you launch two advertising campaigns for the same project. One of them achieves a 20% CTR and a 150% ROI , while the other flops, barely converting any leads . What makes the difference? The answer is banner blindness.

This phenomenon can make or break your ...

#targeting #advertising #banner

Push Traffic Is Right Up Your Alley

These days, push networks can give you everything and a little more: they allow you to set up advanced targeting options and different GEOs, so the only problem you are facing is the choice of the right network with high-quality push traffic. Don't get yourself fooled, though: this issue is ...

#push #pushtraffic #pushnetworks

The Anatomy of an Offer: A Detailed Breakdown of Its Definition and Types

If you are new to affiliate marketing, you have a lot to learn, including some unfamiliar terms. One of them is “offer”. But before you can graspon the meaning of the word in this niche, you need to know its general definition, meaning and features in other fields.

An offer is simply a ...

#affiliate_marketing #offer #traffic_arbitrage

Best Native Advertising Networks

Native or natural advertising can be distributed through special affiliate networks. Advertisers see these ads as a perfect way to draw attention to their product, and media buyers consider them a wonderful opportunity to earn money.

However, even an experienced affiliate can get lost in ...

#ads #native #nativeads #toplist #networks

How To Drive Financial Traffic With Apps

Apps are one of the most well-converting traffic sources for the financial niche. Affiliates believe that this technique is not for everyone as if it's something complicated. They are sure that you need deep programming skills and newbies will never be able to break into it. In fact, everything ...

#offers #apps #finance #leadbit_finance #financial_traffic

How To Drive SEO Traffic To Finance

Every webmaster dreams about being ranked higher on Google. However, almost everyone who comes close to SEO knows that this type of traffic is long-term. You can simply break into gambling or nutra, where sites are constantly banned from search results. But in the financial sphere everything is ...

#traffic #seo #finance

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