Leadbit Leadbit wrote 17.11.2023

Setting Up Keitaro with Leadbit: A Detailed Manual

Leadbit Leadbit wrote 17.11.2023
14 min

Today we'll learn how to work with Keitaro. We will find out how the tracker works with the Leadbit affiliate network. You can check below why you need Keitaro and how to set up a postback and API. Ready, set, go!

What Is Keitaro And Why Do Affiliates Need It

Keitaro is the most common affiliate tracker. The service provides a wide range of tools. What else?

  • You can receive detailed information about users who clicked on your creatives: their country, city, OS version, device model, browser version, etc.

  • Monitor traffic from multiple sources with a detailed report.

  • Create, launch and control advertising campaigns.

  • Connect APIs to traffic sources and automate your campaigns.

  • Work with pre-landing pages: upload and edit them directly in the tracker.

  • Run A/B tests.

  • You can also use filters to direct only targeted traffic to your offers, filter out bots and make campaigns more profitable.

Keitaro is an irreplaceable tool for tracking conversions, filtering and analyzing traffic, cloaking and collecting statistics. If you work with multiple sources, affiliates or offers, you can track all your traffic in one place to evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns. That's how the tracker helps in optimizing your campaigns.

Postback or API

Firstly, you need to integrate a tracker with an affiliate network to track and transfer leads. How? You should configure postback or data transfer via API.

To set up a postback, you need to create a special Postback URL in the tracker. The next step is adding a URL to the affiliate network. To transfer data via the API, you need to insert a special code into the landing page you plan to work with.

Please note that you should work with an affiliate network's landing page. Still, if you want to make any changes in this landing page (change text, headings, photos, buttons, or use your own landing page), you need to set up an API to transfer leads from your server to the network's one.

Creating a Flow

To create a flow, you need to add a traffic source. To do this, go to the “Sources” section and click on the “Create source” button.

Select a source, for example Facebook, fill in all the data and click “Save”.

Then select an offer. To do this, click “Offers”, enter its name in the search field and click “Apply”. After the offer has been found, click “View more”.

Next, go to the offer page, click “Create Tracking URL” and fill out the fields:

  • flow name;

  • source;

  • landing page: if you select several landing pages in one flow, they will open one by one.

Next, add a pixel.

After that, click “Create Flow”, copy the received flow link and go with it to Keitaro.

Creating a Campaign And Setting Up a Postback

In the tracker you need to find the “Offers” tab and click “Create”.

Fill in all details:

  • offer name;

  • affiliate network;

  • create a group to make it easier to find a flow;

  • in the Redirect section, specify the link of the stream from the affiliate network.

Next, go to additional section:

  • add the country of the offer;

  • create a flow.

Setting Up Postback

To set up a postback in the affiliate network, go to the “Affiliate Networks” section and click on the “Create”.

Next, fill in the information to configure the postback:

  • add the Leadbit.com affiliate network in the templates;

  • name the template of affiliate network;

  • copy the postback URL;

  • save.

Add the copied postback URL to your affiliate network. To do this, go to Leadbit.com in the “Tools” section. There, select the “Global Postback” tab and add the entire postback URL link to all fields, then save.

Then you need to go back to Keitaro, open the “Campaigns” section and click “Create”.

Fill in all details:

  • name;

  • group;

  • source;

  • and click “Create flow”.

Here you need to give the stream a flow.

In the “Schema” section, add an offer.

Select the right offer and click “Add”.

Apply all the settings.

And click "Create".

Next, go to the “Tracking” section, copy the link to the finished flow and leave a test request on the landing page.

To do this, follow the link, enter "test" and a random phone number in the form instead of the name.

Then you need to check if the application is available. Follow the “Dashboard” or “Statistics” sections on the Leadbit website.

The same info is available in the tracker in the “Conversions” section, but keep in mind that the application may take a couple of minutes.

Creating a Campaign and Setting Up a Landing Page For Transferring Data Via API

If you want to set up data transfer via API, go to the affiliate network's offer page and download the landing page.

When downloading a landing page, select the created flow.

While the landing page is downloading, go to the tracker. Create an offer in the appropriate section and fill in all the data:

  • name and group;

  • affiliate network;

  • locally download the landing page that you downloaded from the affiliate network.

Also select your country in the additional settings section, then click “Upload file” and save.

Next, open the offer card again and click “Edit”.

Setting Up An API On The Landing Page

Тут вы попадаете в редактор кода трекера Keitaro и можете внести изменения в лендинг. Ваша задача — найти все формы на ленде и вставить в них следующий код:

<input type='hidden' name='subid' value='{subid}' />

Forms must be searched using the keyboard shortcut command/win + f (macOS) or ctrl + f (Windows) for </form>. Next, paste the code as shown in the screenshot below.

There are usually 2-3 forms on the landing page. You need to edit them all and click “Save”. Next, go to the send.php file and change the line

"sub1" => $request["sub1"],


"sub1" => $request["subid"],

then save.

Go to the “Campaigns” section, create a new one and fill in the data:

  • name;

  • group;

  • source.

After that, create a flow and give it a name.

Go to the “Schema” section and add your offer.

Go to the “Tracking” section, copy the final link and make a test application.

To do this, follow the link and leave a request.

Next, check the test application in the “Dashboard” or “Statistics” in Leadbit. You can also check it in the tracker in the “Conversions” section.

One more thing

Good news for those who are already working with Leadbit: VIP partners can get annual Keitaro plans for free. And other partners can purchase tariffs for points in the LeadBit Store. To do this, apply to Leadbit offers in all available GEO, get points and get an annual subscription.

That's it, now you know how to create streams, campaigns and set up integration with our software. Go to the Leadbit website and get started without any problems using these instructions!

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