Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 22.03.2023

Spain Detailed: Tips to Boost Your Conversion Rate

Traffic Cardinal Traffic Cardinal wrote 22.03.2023
10 min

When it comes to incomes and conversions, Spain is a scoop. If you ever found yourself rooting for Spain on Eurovision or enjoying Enrique Iglesias in two-thousand-something (or you still do: we don’t shame your musical preferences!), you probably know a few things about the country. Keep them at your fingertips while reading the article: the amalgamation of your current knowledge and the info we're about to deliver will work to your advantage.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

General Info

Population: 46,802,902 (as of Friday, March 3, 2023, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data);

Sex Ratio: female population equals 50,84%; male population equals 49.16%

Average Age: 44.1 years;

Average Income: 1975.5 € per month;

Currency: Euro;

Language: Spanish;

Major Cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga, Seville, Zaragoza;

Poorest Regions: Aragon, Navarre, Castilla–La Mancha;

Internet Connection Speed: 36.06 Mbps. The connection is expensive but covers more than 90% of the country;

Mobile/Desktop Traffic: 50%/50%;

Popular Platforms: Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Local social networks are rarely used, except for news portals related to sports.

In short, Spain is a typical Tier-1 representative: this is a developed, urbanized country with a strong, established economy and a high quality of life. The citizens are financially reliable and well-educated, and the traffic prices, as well as the business competition level, remain high.

What’s on the Market

Before we explore the audience and speak about the components of a successful offer, let's give Spanish info products a once-over.

That's what we've got so far.

Usually, people offer courses on platforms resembling Udemy, but these platforms are far from popular. The most extensive course has gained fewer than 400 comments, and others already fail to compare as they can't hit the mark of 100 reviews.

Then, there's something to memorize: nutritional care. In fact, this is a hot topic in the country as Spaniards generally want to look stunning and go to great lengths to achieve outstanding effects. Unfortunately, bad habits and delicious, high-calorie Spanish food (churros, we’re coming 4 u!) simply won’t let them stay slim for as long as they want: more often than not, the Spanish gain excess weight.

The average prices of nutrition courses approximately reach 50-100€.

As there's a nadir of free solutions, people pony up their money to obtain useful tips and instructions to reshape their bodies and work on the right curves.

The work on the right curves, though, shouldn't be strenuous: accentuate proper nutrition rather than physical exercises. The Spanish normally look for opportunities to lose weight here and now without putting too much effort or doing something that requires hard labor.

Overall, the niche of info products in Spain is seriously underdeveloped: the market sags; there are no quality offers. Local publishers prefer offline meetings, and educational platforms are inundated with similar courses that fail to introduce new features or information.

Speaking of Mindset…

The devil is always in the details, and these cultural shticks often hide in plain view. We don't always distinguish signals from people if their background is different from ours, so sometimes we have to look up and educate ourselves. Time to educate yourself on key hallmarks defining a Spaniard.

  • Listen to your woman. Spaniards appreciate women and are willing to listen to their opinions. So, run an ad aimed at women, rather than men, and even if you choose the latter option, nonetheless mention the benefits a girl receives. For example, you can say that women love a slender partner that looks fit and healthy.

  • Watch your sports. The far-fetched subtitle was contrived to dwell on a crucial topic Spaniards absolutely adore — sports. The locals are mostly into football and bullfighting, but athletes are also considered national heroes whose opinion means a lot to ordinary people.

  • Be the fairest of them all. Mirror, mirror on the wall is not a mere phrase here: both men and women take care of themselves, trying to look their absolute best, and they are willing to spend money to reach outstanding results.

  • Salute mi familia. Quoting Fast and Furious seems fit because responsible Spanish citizens treat their families respectfully. They rarely divorce and love making presents for the people they love and cherish.

  • Better have my money. We've mentioned stable, high income somewhere at the beginning of the article, but in this case, it doesn't necessarily imply that the Spanish are eager to waste money thoughtlessly. They are not. A lavish lifestyle doesn't attract them, so when Spaniards purchase something, they don't look at the brand. It's the price that matters.

  • Siesta and chill. Almost any warm-weather country has a traditional break known as a siesta which generally lasts between 2 and 5 PM. Originally, people used to nap throughout the break, but times have changed, and people spend their leisure time online.

Sharing Perspectives

Unlike the Spanish info product market, e-commerce is thriving: there are over 44 million Internet users, and they're inclined to buy things using mobile devices.

The most relevant traffic source is Facebook: more than 85% of the audience, aged from 16 to 65 years, preferred it to other available options. As expected, the peak of activity occurs at the siesta period.

So, what do you have to do to attract a Spanish person and make them react to your offer? Read below.

  • In this case, the visual format should be your top priority. The Spanish love beautiful, high-quality photos and visual demonstrations of the results. Videos will work well, too: include junk people, exercises, and diets into your creatives, and sprinkle them a little with free quizzes and personal stories. This is bound to succeed.

  • Remember the phrase about the devil in the details? Applicable. The Spanish make decisions in accordance with solid facts. They need detailed information about the product, so make sure you've elucidated on all the aspects of the course, without missing anything out. Speak about the plan, the effectiveness and efficiency, dwell on the format and mention the experts who created the course. Be as voluble as possible, offering the most detailed nutrition plans & nutrition advice, easy workouts, and lectures that change your life, and daily nutrition course that makes you leaner.

  • Speed is another characteristic you should always keep in mind. When it comes to losing weight, patience is running thin (pun intended). The thing is that Spain is a sunny, warm country, where people are somewhat obliged to wear revealing clothes — and they want to look good as soon as possible.

  • Everybody likes discounts, but the Spanish are huge fans. Price may safely be considered one of the most important factors making people decide to buy or not to buy a product. Spaniards tend to save money rather than splurge, so they'd prefer an inexpensive offer with a discount.

  • Patriotism dictates it will, making Spaniards trust local products and offers. There's something to work with, so mention that the offer is designed specifically for the proud people of Spain.

Restriction Alert

Generally speaking, the Spanish advertising ban list is similar to what you usually expect from a GEO: you can't promote alcohol, tobacco, weapons, adult content, and other things prohibited in most GEOs. However, there are a few things to focus on: candy advertisement for children is restricted as well as cryptocurrency promotion.

Abstain from mentioning politics and religion in your campaigns too, as the residents respect the royal family and profess Catholicism. They certainly won't approve of your attempt at pressing the taboo button.


To sum it up, Spain has all the necessary components to become a perfect ground for info products: it’s a solid Tier-1 representative with financially stable audiences who are ready to pay for profitable solutions. Don’t waste your time, go and test the GEO!

¡Buena suerte!

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